Saturday, April 27, 2013

Give Me Five: Favorite T.V. Sitcoms

Okay, I've shared my Favorite T.V. Dramas, now for some good Laughs: My all time Favorite T.V. Sitcoms!

 1. Friends
"I'll be there for you!" 
A funny group of Friends, closer than Family,
in New York City
What could be Better?!

2. Happy Days!
 "Sunday, Monday, Happy Days!" 
I know I might be dating myself here,
but I can't help it! 
I also LOVED the spin off: Joanie Loves Chachi! :) 

3. The Facts Of Life!
 "You take the good, your take the bad, 
you take them both & there you have The Facts Of Life!" 
Blair (Lisa Welchel) was always my Favorite! 
Now I follow her on Twitter & have read her Books! :) 

4. Modern Family!
(Sorry no words in their Theme Song!) :) 
Such a Funny show, 
If you're not watching it, you should be! 
You will actually LOL! :) 

 5. The Brady Bunch!
"Here's a Story of a Lovely Lady,
who was bringing up three very Lovely Girls!"
Coming from a large family myself, I couldn't help but love this one!
Jan was my Favorite, 
though for most people it was all about Marsha, Marsha, Marsha! :) 

Okay, there you are, my all time Favorite T.V. Sitcoms! And my question to you is: When you're in the mood to laugh, what do you like to watch? 

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