Friday, July 26, 2013

Getting High!

Colorado, Rocky Mountain High, that is! :) 
John's Sister Pat moved to Durango, Co. almost a year ago. 
John helped her move there, but the rest of us had never been there. 
And we were in for a real treat!
Take a look . . .

Around the Animas River:
The girls & I

Cute Cousins!

Don't forget to Look Up! 

 And once in awhile it pays to look down. 

 Sisters Hanging Loose! 

Me & my Love!

 Daddy & Daughters making music on giant Xylophones in the park! 

 Once a Band Geek, always a Band Geek!

 Pat putting her feet in.

 Austin is King of the World! (Or at least the River)

Erica found a perfect Triangle rock. 
Did she keep it, or skip it? ;)

 Lovely Lexi!

Brother & Sisterly Love!

Doing Durango:

Horsing around!

Visiting Pat's neighbors horses.

Making Friends. 



Lexi with the Bees at Honeyville in honor of her favorite book:
The Secret Life Of Bees!

Cute Crepe Cart in Downtown!

 Breakfast outside

Lovely little town! 

Durango And Silverton Small Gage Railroad Museum:
 There's some really cool stuff in here! 

 "I think I can, I think I can!"

All aboard! 

"Play us a song, you're the Piano Man"

Cute Caboose! ;)

 "Lean on me, when your not strong.
I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on.
For it won't be long, till I'm gonna need somebody to lean on."

Adventures in Purgatory:
 Yes, we were in Purgatory.

Austin & Erica on the Chair lift

It's Beautiful at the top!

Pat and her Men; BF Steve and Grandson Austin

I don't know why so many people are afraid of going to Purgatory,
It's Beautiful here! :)

I'm on the top of the world looking down on creation . . .

 Getting ready for the Bungee Trampoline!

 Erica's up first

 Here we go!

 Flipping out! 

 Lexi's turn. 

 There was no way, she was gonna try a flip. 

 No, it's not Superman, it's Austin!

 Music in the Mountains
with my Music Man!

 Austin on the Alpine Slide!

Erica racing to the bottom!

Lexi, Last but not Least!

 Water Runner with Erica

 I think Austin won this battle!

 Oh yeah!

Bubble Trouble!

Biker Babes:
 Steve about to give Erica her first Harley Ride!
A retired Police Sergent, who's been riding since
he was younger than she is now.
Who's expertise would soon be put to the test.

 Little did we know what was about to happen . . .
 It started with some rain and Luckily my little girl loves the rain!
Erica had all her hair up in a bun, 
which kept the smaller helmet from fitting her head, 
so Steve gave up his helmet for her.

But it didn't stop with rain, it turned into a Downpour and HAIL!
Mom and Dad were scared to death! Thankfully she wasn't.

Even though she said the Hail hurt,
when they got off the Bike Steve told us:
You're gonna have to watch out for this one; she's loving this! 
So she now has new rules:
She can NEVER date a boy with a Motorcycle, fast car, 
or any dare devil tendencies what so ever! 
I told Steve & Erica now they can say
They've been to Purgatory & they had to go through Hail to get out! :) 

Lexi getting ready for her turn on the bike.

Now that Steve's head is dented from the Hail, 
guess we'll let him wear a helmet this time! :0
Lexi loved it too! I think we've created Monsters!

Austin got to go too!
And loved it just as much as the girls.

 This town is just so Adorable! 
So Quaint!

We ate at a place called Handlebars!

 So cute & such Amazing food.
Or maybe after Erica & Steve's wild ride, 
we were just so happy to have made it there alive
it tasted so good!

The rain left some Beautiful Waterfalls behind!

 It's the ripple effect!

Vallecito Lake:
 TOEtally Gorgeous! ;)

 Lexi, Austin and Eri taking it all in!

 John and I enjoying the view!

 A storm moving in over the lake.
God is pretty Awesome if I do say so myself!

It was hard to have to leave such a Beautiful place.
But Durango left it's mark on each of us!
Forever in our hearts.

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