Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Sophomore Sisters!!

Today starts my Baby Girls' Sophomore year of High School! I'm always a little sad when Summer is over & it's Back To School! Even though they are always more than ready.

Beautiful Erica!

Lovely Lexi!

Seems like just yesterday this was them starting School!

Where has the time gone? We have taken pictures of our kids on the first & last day of School each year! It's fun to look back & see how they've grown & changed over the years! And this year is going to be MORE Fun! MORE Adventurous! MORE Exciting! Why? Because they are SophoMOREs! 


  1. Aww how cute! Happy Sophomore year! Saying hello from SITSGirls #Sharefest

  2. Oh boy... Mine is 2, so I cannot yet imagine the high school years. What beautiful girls though!
