Monday, October 14, 2013

Breakfast At Tiffany's Sweet 16 Party!! Part 2

 Party Pics: 
 The Birthday Girls!
Erica & Lexi
 (Lexi couldn't wear heals due to her sprained ankle, 
Erica's not really that much taller than she is!)

The Invitations instructed to wear Black & White.
But of course, the Birthday Girls wore Tiffany Blue!

Group Game!
We also played a game where they got points for things like Wearing Black & White, 
If they've seen Breakfast at Tiffany's, been to New York, ridden in a Taxi, etc.
And a game we called "NELB" of how well they know the Birthday Girls, 
where they circled N E L or B for each answer (Neither, Erica, Lexi or Both)
Like: Who was born first (E) Who is an Honor Student (B)
Who's Left Handed (N) Who refuses to wear Pink (L) etc. :)

Photo Booth Fun!

Briana & Kelsey 

Shay & Rachel


 Kyle & his Beautiful, but very nearsighted date Katie. ;) 

Uncle Danny, with who he still calls "A" & "B"!! :)

"Do you see what I see?"
My Nieces Sarah & Andrea!

Allie & Erica

 Lexi & Jacob!

 How many couples do you know that come with their own Stunt Doubles?! :) 

"Here's Looking At You Kid!"

 My Niece, Stormy & her Hubby Myke looking Good! 

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!


Rachel, Jacob, Zach & Penny

Brotherly Love!

All the Cousins that were there!

 Kyle & Alarie,
Cousins who share the same Personality! :0

 Presenting: Megan! 

 My Friend Tammy & I just trying to get a nap in! ;)
Isn't that what all Moms want?!

 Maddie Their BFF for over 11 years! 
Who took most of these Pics for me, :) 
so isn't in enough of them herself! :(
 Yes it's true,
Dad's of Daughters are Fearless!!

Daddy's Girls!
 (One of my Favorite Pics of the night!)

 Boys will be boys!
Jacob (They all call him Chavez), Zach, Jacob & Corbin

 Lexi, with the Boys In The Band! 

 Kelsey, Allie & Erica, who take Sign Language together!

Such a Cute Pic of the Triplets!
Jacob, Rachel & Zach

Two of Kyles Favorite Girls (Besides his Mother of course!) 
Girlfriend Katie & Cousin Alarie
Who helped us tear down everything & had some fun doing it!

2 Cute!!
Kelsey & Lexi

 Erica & her Besties Heather & Michayla Jo!!

 "She's my Friend & You Can't have her!"

 "Say Birthday!" :)

  "Twins & Co."
Now if I could just find a way to keep them in the Frame
so they would stop growing up! :)
 No Tiffany's Party would be complete without something from Tiffany's!
We surprised the girls with necklaces!

 Happy Sweet 16 
to 2 very Sweet Girls!
Hope these Memories last a life time!
We love you both so much, 
and are so Proud of the young ladies you are becoming!

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