Wednesday, January 22, 2014

2014 Bookshelf Challenge


The other day I had a stack of Books beside me, trying to decide which Book to read next. One of my most Favorite things to do! :) When my son asked me if I'd heard about the Bookshelf Challenge. I said No, what's that? And he told me that at the beginning of the year, you clear off a Bookshelf, and as you read Books throughout the year, you put them on your emptied shelf, and at the end of the year you can look back & see all you've read this year!

I thought What A Great Idea! I'd love to be able to look back at the end of the year & see what all I've read that year! To sort of relive your year in Books! I'm game! So, lets do it! What do you say?!

I, for one read all year long! I almost always have a Book with me, and can read just about anywhere! For those of you who read on a Kindle or hand held device, maybe there's a virtual shelf you can create to list the Books you read this year! Or if you're on Good Reads, you can create a Bookshelf on there! Check mine out here. And Friend me while you're there! :) We can get Ideas for what to read next from each other's Bookshelves!

I'm on my 3rd Book so far this year! There will be times in the year, that you'll go through Books quickly & other times it will seem like you have no time to read at all. And both are okay! I'll check back through out the year to see how we're all doing, and what our 2014 Bookshelf looks like!

So, who's in? The Challenge is on! Lets read together! And make 2014 a Great year! 


  1. Definitely! I did this last year and it was awesome! The problem I had though was figuring out where to keep the books that were on the TBR shelf until I read them. I ended up with messy piles of books everywhere.

  2. Yeah, I'm overrun with Books on all shelves! :) Thats why I really love the idea of a virtual Bookshelf on Goodreads!
