Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Another Engagement!!

Before this year started, we knew 2014 would be the year that BOTH our boys would be proposing! You can read Zach's Engagement Story here. And now it's Kyle's turn; Kyle has been dating Katie for just about a year now. Next month (May) will be their One Year Anniversary! They met through some mutual friends at Church. She is a nurse at Phoenix Children's Hospital. 

They had been talking about getting married for awhile. Kyle knew she would like a Princess Cut, Solitaire Diamond. But she has always said she would know as soon as he bought the ring by how he acted. So he didn't want to get a ring ahead of time. Hoping for the element of surprise! So just last Sunday he comes walking in the house & says "Look what I bought!" Holding up a bag from a Jewelry store! As much as Zach is a planner, Kyle is spontaneous!! 

He was also nervous about talking to her parents since her Mother (like all good Mothers) can get Emotional when it comes to her baby girl! :) He was afraid that after he asked them, when Katie walked in the house she would burst into tears or something giving it away! So on Wed. while Katie was at work, Kyle met with her parents, asking for their Blessing before proposing. Which they gave! He knew she worked on Thursday & He would pop the question on Friday, so their wouldn't be much opportunity to give it away! Plus her Mom told me she did her best to avoid Katie for those few days! :)

Katie had also told him she would know when he was about to propose because he would have to wear  baggy jeans to hide the ring, since he usually wears pretty form fitting ones! :) So even though it was in the mid 80's on Friday, he had on a Denim Jacket, because it had an inside pocket! He tried to keep her on the other side of the pocket so she wouldn't feel the ring box & know!

So on Friday, late afternoon, he took her out for their favorite thing, coffee! Then they went for a walk around Tempe Beach Park. Their first kiss was on the footbridge there! So right at Sun Set, which in Arizona are always beautiful! On that same bridge where they'd had their first kiss, he said let's take a picture! :) He is always setting up his phone on the timer, so they can pose for pictures together. So she didn't think anything of it! 

After the first picture, he said lets take another one, but without her knowing, he set the camera to video instead, so as they posed he turned her toward him, got down on one knee, pulled out the ring and asked her to be his wife. And she said yes! Or more accurately she nodded yes through tears! 

 Kyle had our family & Katie's family meet for dinner that night and the newly engaged couple would show up there for another surprise for her. So we all got to have a celebratory dinner together! It was fun and the first time we got to meet her brothers! She has a 2 year old nephew who they must have tried to explain what had happened cause when he next saw his Aunt Katie he said "Let me see the ring!" Then he announced "Tyle Loves You! I Love You Too!" Isn't that just so sweet?! 

The happy couple is planning a fall wedding! Yes, this is a big year for our family! And she gets me for a Mother In Law! :)

Congratulations to Kyle and Katie! 
(soon to be K-Forb squared!) 
We are so happy for both of you! And Love you so much! 

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