Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Dancing Queens!!

When my girls started High School last year, as they were deciding which classes to take, they needed one P.E. Credit, I told them they should take Dance. I took Dance all through High School and it was my Favorite class! And as always, I was right! :) 

Yes, that's me on the left!
Gotta Love the 80's!

They are after all my Daughters, and they absolutely Loved the Dance class as I knew they would! So now they are making plans to take Dance all 4 years of High School even though they don't need the credits! At the end of last year they auditioned for this year and made it! And they just had their first Dance Concert! 

Erica and Lexi, in Costume!

It brought back so many great memories for me! I remember their very first Dance Class ever was a little Tap Class at a local Community Center when they were in Pre-School! 

"Shuffle, Step!"

And then when they were a little older, the 3 of us took up Hula Dancing! That was so much fun and such a Beautiful style of Dance!

Living Aloha!
Us performing in the Arizona Aloha Festival!

I have great memories of my High School Dance Concerts! And I'm thrilled I get to share that with my Daughters! As they build great Memories of their own as well. 

I'm 3rd form the left in front, wearing Purple!

Dancing, like all sports, builds Character, Self Esteem, Self Confidence and Poise. Besides it's Fun! 
Lexi is 4th from Left bending forward,
Erica is in the middle with her back to us.

And since they all wore their hair in a low pony tail, my girls did have to straighten their hair for the Dance Concert! And believe me that is a work out on it's own! 

Lexi got a little help from a Friend doing her hair
We are now buying Ethnic Hair Care Products since they worked so well! 

Being part of a Dance Class or Group also makes you part of a team! It builds Camaraderie. Working together to help everyone be the best they can be, inside and outside of the performance! 

My girls are in the middle row
4th from each side

My best Friends in High School were mostly also in Dance. And just like with Band, Choir, Sports Teams, or whatever you get involved with, it builds closer Friendships! 

Erica and her Friend Heather
(plus a photo bomber in back!) :) 

It meant so much to the girls that their Best Friend since Kindergarten, Maddie, came to see their performance and we'll being going to see her Dance Concert at her school next month! 

Dancing BFFs since Kindergarten 

"You can Dance, you can Jive, Having the time of your Life, See that Girl, watch that Scene, Digging the Dancing Queen!" (Abba)

Lexi & Erica with their Dance Teacher!
They love her. 

They both did so well on both nights of the Performance! It was so much fun for me as well as for them. Do you get to share any great High School Memories with your kids?

Well, I Guess we're now a Dance Mom and Dad! :)

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