Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A Memorial Day To Remember!

The Capitol Building in our Rear View!

John & I were visiting Maryland for the weekend. And got the opportunity to spend an afternoon in our Nation's Capitol! It is so moving and breathtakingly beautiful! And the fact that it was Memorial Day Weekend made it all the more meaningful.

Think we found our Next Home! :) 

 The White House!

The Lincoln Memorial

Us with Abraham Lincoln! 

Selfie with Honest Abe! 

 The Washington Memorial

As seen from The World War II Memorial

Girl Power! 

The War Memorials were all so moving! We went to The World War II Memorial, it is so well done. The Vietnam Memorial, where everyone was so reverent and quiet. And The Korean War Memorial, which is absolutely beautiful.

 Remembering my Dad at The Korean War Memorial

 Statue of Vietnam Solders

 Female Solders 

 The wall of those lost in the Vietnam War
58,299 names of those gone too young!

A Wreath left at the Vietnam Memorial!

"Freedom is not Free"

Arlington National Cemetery 

 The Pentagon, rebuilt section after 9-11

 The Iwo Jima Memorial

John with Pastor Kevin, our "Tour Guide!"

Awe Inspiring! 

 It's so much bigger than I thought it would be!
(Left my sun glasses on in this one, cause I actually had tears running down my face)

We are so Blessed as a Country! And I am Thankful to be an American! We were so happy we got to see Washington D.C. for the first time (and Hopefully not the last!) that was on my Bucket List! Check! And there is SO much more to see and do there! 

 The Jefferson Memorial

 Inside the dome!

"All Men Are Created Equal"

Such a Beautiful day in D.C.

I hope you had a very Happy Memorial Day! We definitely had one we will not soon forget! It was a great trip, with Memories to last a Lifetime! And Let us never forget those who gave their lives for our Freedom! This is after all the Land of the Free, because of the Brave!

God Bless America!
My Home, Sweet Home

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