Monday, June 30, 2014

Cause Baby, You're A Firework!

I consider myself to be Creative, but I am by no means Crafty! But lucky for me, my Daughters are! :) They wanted to make T-shirts for the 4th of July. So, they found some things on Pinterest. Gotta Love Pinterest for all the cool ideas you can find on there!

Since we Love Resale shopping, we picked up some plain White T-shirts at our local Goodwill on their 50% off day! We paid like $2 bucks a shirt! Both girls cut their shirts up, like Teen Girls like to do these days. :)

Then we needed little rubber fuzzy balls to paint Fireworks on our T-shirts. We found them in the Dollar Section at Target! Score! And we picked up some fabric paint at Joann's!

And this project was easy enough, even I could do it! :) We poured some Red, Blue and Silver paint onto paper plates and then you just dip one side of the ball in the paint and touch it to the shirt. And the effect is Fireworks on your shirt!

It was fun and easy! And the end result is really cute Shirts to wear on the 4th of July! To show off the Fireworks that we are! :) (I'll post pictures of us wearing them on the 4th later!) Have a Happy Day Celebrating the Great Country of our! And remember Freedom does not come free! 

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