Friday, July 25, 2014

Road Trippin

We took a long Weekend and went up to Page, Arizona 
where our son Zach is working and living for the summer. 

Our girls enjoying the car trip, with their Books! :) 

My Niece, Alarie came along for the ride as well. 

Arizona is such a Beautiful State!
You need to see it for yourself, if you haven't!

We surprised Zach! He didn't know we were coming,
though his Girlfriend & her family helped plan it! :) 

Though I realized when I got there I'd left my make-up bag at home,
this was all I had in my purse! 
Can you say Emergency trip to Wal-mart?! :) 

Page is really Beautiful!

Beautiful Scenery! 
There is so much to see and do there!

We did some Hiking and Sight Seeing!
Here's John, Erica, Lexi, Kendra & Alarie on top of the World!

We saw Horseshoe Bend in the Colorado River,
It is the most photographed spot in the nation!

And as always when we get together, things get silly!
That's Lexi on the bottom of Erica, Alarie, Kendra & Zach! :) 

They had a VHS player & we found this great old movie The Net! 
I had told my kids about it before,
and It was fun to watch it together!

We saw the Glen Canyon Dam on Lake Powell

And took the Tour
It's actually very interesting!

The Glen Canyon Dam Bridge

Just us girls on the Dam!

Kendra's Dad Pastors a Church in Page and asked John to lead Worship.
So we had a "Family Band" with John on Keys, John & Kendra singing, 
Zach on Guitar and Alarie playing the Djembe!

We spent a Beautiful Sunday Afternoon on Lake Powell!
It was perfect!
It was so nice to get away!
We had a great trip! 

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