Thursday, August 14, 2014

Fathers Day A Month Late!

I had a good idea for my Husband for Father's Day this year. I wanted to get him tickets to go to an Arizona Diamondbacks Baseball Game.

I wasn't sure exactly how to do that. I was on the phone with my son, talking me through it, as I was trying to buy tickets on line! Normally I would just have my husband buy any tickets I wanted, but since they were a surprise for him I couldn't very well do that this time!

I was looking at the games schedule thinking I'd choose a game in June, but then I saw the Detroit Tigers were playing us in July! Score!

Since we lived in Michigan for over 8 years and our Daughters were born there, John's favorite team is the Tigers! He was pretty excited when he opened his gift on Fathers Day, even though he had to wait awhile to use them!

 On the day of the Game, we took the Light Rail down town, and to our surprise it was full of Tiger fans! Since Arizona was late to game of having a professional team & there are a lot of transplanted people in AZ, there tend to be a lot of fans of the opposing team at a lot of our games.

But this day there were probably more people rooting for the Tigers than for the Diamondbacks! But being Arizona natives, we kinda root for both teams! And are happy no matter who wins! :)

Our National Anthem was sung by Broadway's "Jersey Boy", who was here doing the play in Phoenix that week!

We had a great time Celebrating the worlds best Dad! Some people celebrate Christmas in July, so why not have Father's Day in July as well?! And to top it off the Tigers won! 

Going to the game brought back some great memories of when we lived in Michigan. We'd been to the old Tiger Stadium a number of times, and the new one was built & opened just before we moved away, so we were able to take our boys to see one of the coolest stadiums ever! Where we got to ride the Carousel made up of all Tigers! Good Times!

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