Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thankful Thursday: Beauty!

Yes, it's that time of year again! Every year during the Month of November, I do what I've dubbed here on the Blog as Thankful Thursday. Where every Thursday in November, I talk about things I'm Thankful for.

And this year I've recently joined a Book Club through my Church and this month we are reading a Book called One Thousand Gifts by: Ann Voskamp. I've heard good things about this Book & was really looking forward to reading it! I've barely gotten into it and already it has really touched me. It talks about no matter what you are going through or have gone through, no matter how bad life gets, there are always things to be Thankful for! I've always tried to look on the bright side of things, and this has been a great reminder to live a life of Gratitude.

There is Beauty in Everyday Life! And to me there is nothing more Beautiful than being surrounded by my Family! I Love being with my Husband, who is my Best Friend. And being a Mom and having my kids all around me . . .

Especially this year since my oldest son just moved out of our home, into his own. :( And he got Married! :) (Pictures coming soon!) There is no greater Beauty in this world to me than my Family! Today and Everyday I am beyond Thankful for each of them: John, Kyle, Zach, Erica & Alexia, I Love you and am Beyond Blessed to get to be in your lives! You add so much Beauty into my Life and into this World every single day!

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