Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thankful Thursday: Grace In The Form Of Gifts!

" Thanksgiving opens the eyes, the heart,
to the Grace that falls upon us."

One Thousand Gifts is such a good book to be reading this time of year. It's about noticing all the gifts we've been given, and remembering to give Thanks! Ann Voskamp was dared to come up with a list of 1000 things she is Thankful for. It took her about 18 months or so, and once she reached 1000 items, she just kept on going.

"With every Grace, He sings, 
'You are precious to Me. You are honored, and I Love you. (Is. 43:4)

I read this book for my Book Club at Church. I think I have about half the book underlined! :) We had a good discussion about remembering to say Thank You for all we've been given in life. And I shared that I had started my own list as I was reading the Book. I keep a list on my phone since I always have it with me, and when I notice any little thing I'm grateful for I add it to the list! Then I put them in a Journal, cause I like writing, and I want to have a hard copy of it! 

 "The discipline of Giving Thanks, of unwrapping One Thousand Gifts, 
unwraps God's heart."

So since today is Thanksgiving, the day we are to Give Thanks for what we've been given, I thought I'd share the beginning of my list of One Thousand Gifts with you. It's the Huge, important things in life, to the little, mundane things we take for granted everyday, Grace given to me, in no particular order . . . 

One Thousand Gifts  

1. The Love of my Life: John, who Supports me, Laughs with me and Loves me! He is too good to me. 

2. My First Born: Kyle, who has always been his own person. And brings fun wherever he goes. He really is a Party waiting to happen! 

3. My Baby Boy: Zach, who's smart & Funny. Gifted in more ways than he knows. 

4. Erica Starr; My Beautiful, smart, talented Daughter. Who feels things so deeply, and is Courageous and Brave! 

5. Alexia Jewell: My Precious Girl. Who is Loving and Giving in so many ways. She's Talented, Beautiful and Smart. 

6. Katie my Daughter In Law: who loves Kyle & lets him be him. She's Brilliant and Beautiful and fits right in. 

7. My soon to be Daughter In Law, Kendra: who Laughs right along with me. She's Caring, Beautiful & she's good for Zach! 

8. Tinkerbell; Our Faithful companion who's always so thrilled when we come home! 

9. Luna: Our newest addition, who's Cute & Cuddly and is quickly becoming part of the family. 

10. Books that speak of Love! God's Love for me, Romantic Love, Friendship, A Mother's Love, Sisters, Etc.

11. Memories in the form of Pictures! 

12. My Bed. Rest & Comfort. 

13. Healthy food that also tastes great! 

14. All our Temporary Jobs on our way to a more permanent "Real" Job!!

15. My Car. (Which actually was a gift from my Mom!) And all the places it takes us!! 

16. Glimpses of my Mom in myself or in my kids.

17. My Kids really want to hang-out with me! And even like it! My Nieces too!! I'm Doubly Blessed!! 

18. Public Restrooms that have just been cleaned, with the seat still up! :) 

19. Twisted Peppermint! The Fragrance of Christmas! 

20. Coconut! The Fragrance of Summer! 

21. Bargains! I Love getting Great Deals on Great Stuff!! 

22. Music that gives voice to what you're feeling! 

23. Movies and/or Books that make you Laugh and/or Cry!! (Or Both!) 

24. The United States Soldier. We live in The Land of The Free, because of The Brave! 

25. A President that pardons hard working, good hearted Immigrants as to not tear Families apart! 

26. Soft Fuzzy Socks that keep your feet warm.

27. When I meet someone new & they think I look too young to have a Married 24 year old son! Because I am! :)

28. Our Families! Parents, In-Laws, Brothers, Sisters, Nieces, Nephews, Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, they are my backbone and they have my heart!

29. Christmas! The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year! 

And this is just the beginning of my list of One Thousand Gifts. We've been given so much! What are you Thankful for this Thanksgiving Day!

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