Thursday, January 8, 2015

Wedding Day!

My Baby Boy is all grown-up!
And this past October he became a Husband!

Teaching his Father how to tie a Bow Tie like a Hipster! :)

The Guys, looking dapper!

The Pastor, his Dad & his Groomsmen Praying over him.

The Wedding was in his Bride's parents back yard
Her Father built an Arbor for the Ceremony.


My Husband and I were Married the same month, just 27 years earlier!

So glad Grandma got to be there on this special day!

Beautiful Bridesmaids!

The Bride's nephew was the Ring Bearer,
And a Groomsman's Daughter was the Flower Girl! Adorable!

Here Comes The Bride!
Katie was just Stunning! 

Thank you for the Gift of your Daughter.

 The Ceremony was simply Beautiful!
We Laughed, we Cried!!

For better, or worse.
In sickness, and in health!

They did it!  

The Beautiful Couple!
Consciously Coupling! :)

We Are Family!
(The Next Wedding happens in a year!) :)

 First Dance as Husband and Wife!
"All Of Me Loves All Of You!"

 Mother/Son Dance!
"How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You!"

Being as it was a morning Wedding,
Catering was done by Waffle Love!

Marriage isn't all fun & games! 
But, it can be!

Corn Hull & Croquette
to name a few!

 He or She?
A game where to answer they had to hold up his or hers shoe!


It's been fun! 
Next Stop: Honeymoon in New York City!   

Riding on the Trolley that took guests to & from parking!

And they lived Happily Ever After! 

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