Monday, April 6, 2015

Merry Easter!

My Daughter was wondering why we always say "Merry Christmas", but "Happy" in front of Easter and Birthday?! So, we decided we'd start saying "Merry Easter!" :) So we Hope you and yours had a wonderful and very Merry Easter! We did even though it was pretty laid back this year. We had planned on having my Niece and her family, but she ended up having to work. We were also gonna have our best friends over, but their daughter got sick, poor thing, there's nothing worse than being sick on a Holiday! But we were able to have a good time anyway!

 How about some Eggs for Breakfast on Easter Morning! :) 
My Favorite!
Thank you Easter Bunny!

 Our Church had 3 Services on Easter instead of our usual 2! 
My girls worked in the Nursery's during the first two, then we attended the third. 
While John and the entire band Rocked all three!

 Looking good in our Sunday best! 

 My oldest Son & Daughter in Law also joined us,
after he played drums at another Church! 
While Zach played Guitar at his Church as well!
(Guess being musicians is in their blood!) :)
And they brought their new Dachshund Puppy to play with our two little dogs! :0

 The Beautiful Easter Lilly from our Church made a perfect center piece for our Easter table! 
We kept the menu simple this year by ordering Pizza,
we also served Salad, Deviled Eggs, Pasta Salad, with Cheese & Crackers.

 And of course lot's of Easter Candy! :)
And my girls made Cup Cakes & Brownies!

Kyle brought over his Corn Hole game, which is always a lot of fun!
Here is Erica & Kyle

 Playing with John & Zach

 Katie was on my team! 

Yes, I even tried my hand at Corn Hole! 

 And Lexi getting in on the fun too! 

 But I'd rather just watch the others play! :)

 A couple of us even got in a little nap! ;)

We played a hilarious game of Loaded Questions! 

I just don't understand why nobody else finds us as funny as we do! Haha!

We Hope you had a fun filled & Blessed Day as well!
And a Very Merry Easter!

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