Tuesday, April 21, 2015


My son Zach, who is about to Graduate from Arizona State University as a Biologist, had an assignment to do for one of his classes, in which he needed to go to the Phoenix Zoo. So we decided to all tag along! My girls bringing along their BFF!  

It was a Beautiful Spring day in Arizona. The Temp in the 80's, which is mild compared to our summers, that can rise to well over 100 degrees. And when it's that hot the animals stay indoors, or just lay around in the shade, which is totally understandable, but not much fun for the people there to see the Animals.

My absolute Favorite of all the Animals is the Flamingo! So Pretty In Pink & they get to live on the Beach!

If I were in Animal, that is what I would be! Here, the girls, humor me, as we try our hand at being Flamingos! ;)

Speaking of Pretty In Pink; The Flowers were out in full. Beautiful Blooms Everywhere we looked!

This picture of the Lion was taken on my Husbands iPhone. Like I said, the Animals were out in full!

The Teen girls even paid a visit to the Petting Zoo. Proving you are never too old to be an Animal lover!


The shot of this Flower was my favorite picture I took of the day! And is now the screen saver on my  phone!

Throughout the morning we spent at the Zoo we walked 5 miles! That's a pretty good hike! And a fun way to get some exercise in! And we learned a thing or two helping Zach find what he needed for his project! What's your favorite way to spend a nice Spring day?

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