Saturday, May 23, 2015

Bachelor's Degree, But Not A Bachelor Much Longer!

My Baby Boy just Graduated . . .

 From Arizona State University!

Included on his Graduation Announcement
was his favorite quote by Albert Einstein
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better."

My girls decorated his car in honor of his big day!

He had to drive around all day like this! :)

 We took up an entire row in the stadium! 

 Zach graduated Summa Cum Laude! 
With Highest Honors!

Proud Parents!

 The Forbi Four! 

 Big Brother Kyle, and Sister In Law Katie, 
a former ASU Graduate as well!

 Little Sisters!!
Lexi & Erica!!

 With Cousin Alarie! Both now ASU Alumni!!

 Zach's Best Friend since Jr. High,
and Jordan will be graduating next year!

Our whole family with the Graduate!

To Celebrate, Zach wanted us all to see 
Avengers; Age Of Ultron together!

Party Preparation!

Graduation Party Time!!

And What's a Party without Masks? 
Here with his Cousins, Friends, Brother, and Fiance as Avengers!

And now with a Degree in Biological Sciences
Zach got a Summer Internship with Arizona Game & Fish!

He'll be in Northern Arizona at Lake Powell!
Studying Invasive Species.

He may now have his Bachelor's Degree
But he wont be a Bachelor for long,
Zach & Kendra will be getting Married this November! 
This is a Big Year for him!
Praying for a Job to quickly follow his Internship! 

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