Monday, November 2, 2015

Real Characters, We Are!

 Hope everyone had a fun Halloween! 
And got your fill of Treats! 

 John & I dressed up as a Couple who met "OnLine!" ;)
As Character's on a Keyboard, we go Together like an At & a Hashtag!! 

 Erica was asked by a little boy once if she was in the Movie Brave! :)
So, she decided she has the hair for it, so why not?! 
2 Cans of colored hair spray latter & she's Merida! 

 Lexi fell in Love with Broadway's Wicked, we saw on their 18th Birthday!
So, she wanted to be Elphaba! 
You could say she was Green with envy! :) 

And Together we made a Sentence;
@Wicked, #Brave. 
We're such a Social Media Family!! :)

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