Monday, December 7, 2015

Santa Baby (Or The Ultimate Wish List!)

The song Santa Baby was released for the first time back in 1953 by Eartha Kitt. It is basically a letter written to Santa, asking for a lot of over the top items for Christmas. She wants a Fur & a Yacht, to name a few. And over the years it's been sung by numerous others, including Taylor Swift. So I thought it would be fun to kind or rewrite it for modern times. If this were my letter to Santa, what Items would I put on the Ultimate Wish List? What would be on your list? I mean if you're gonna dream, Dream Big, right?! So, here we go;

Santa Baby

Santa Baby, just slip a Coach Bag under the tree for me;
Been an awful good girl, Santa Baby, 
So hurry down the chimney tonight. 

Santa Baby, a new Volkswagen Beetle too,
Mint Green,
I'll wait up for you dear; Santa baby, 
So hurry down the chimney tonight. 

Think of all the fun I've missed;
Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed:
Next year I could be just as good . . .
If you check off my Christmas list.

Santa Baby, A Vacation and really that's not a lot;
Been an angel all year; Santa Baby,
So hurry down the chimney tonight. 

Santa Honey, one little thing I really do need . . .
The Deed . . . to a House On The Beach,
Santa Baby, So hurry down the chimney tonight.

Santa Cutie, and fill my stocking with Jimmy Choo's and checks;
Sign your 'X' on the line, Santa Cutie,
And hurry down the chimney tonight. 

Come and trim my Christmas tree
with some decorations bought at Tiffany's;
I really do believe in you;
Let's see if you believe in me . . . 

Santa Baby, forgot to mention one little thing . . .
A Ring . . .
And I don't mean on the phone; Santa Baby,
So hurry down the chimney tonight.

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