Friday, February 5, 2016

Dress For Success

Since June of last year I have been volunteering one Saturday a month at Dress For Success. There is a local chapter in downtown Phoenix. I love it so much that I want to share it with you.  

"The mission of Dress for Success is to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life."


Simply put, Dress For Success takes disadvantaged women, teaches them things like how to put together a resume and interview skills. And with donated clothing, shoes and accessories, they outfit them for a job interview. And when they get the job, they come back in and are outfitted with several outfits for their work week. Take a look . . .

  A Beautiful Welcome

A Boutique full of Business Attire

A look inside the Fitting Rooms

Make-up Station

Computer Room to search for jobs or create a Resume

How I heard about Dress For Success was through my company Vanity Fair. I am an area Merchandiser and part of my job is to hold Fit-Events, and we did Events with a purpose, that when you bought a Bra, you would get one free, and we would donate a brand new bra to a women in need at Dress For Success in your honor! So I looked into the company, liked what I saw, and decided I wanted to volunteer. And Vanity Fair will be holding these events again this fall!

I was so excited when I went in to volunteer and saw the Vanity Fair Bra Donations had arrived! We donated brand new Bra's to Dress For Success chapters in all the states our company held events in. Because, let's face it, who wants to wear a used bra? Um, No thank you. 


And since I love retail and fashion, I volunteer as a Personal Shopper. I talk with the client, and find out where they are interviewing, or where their new job is, I ask about their needs, likes and sizes, and put together outfits for them to try on. It is so much fun! They also from time to time have volunteers who might come in to give hair cuts or do the clients make up. You could also help them learn how to research jobs online, or how to create a resume. How to Interview, Etc. There are a lot of ways you can help out. My daughters and I have gone through our closets, and donated clothing, shoes, handbags, jewelry, scarfs, Etc. that are business appropriate. They also take scrubs for those Dr.s or nurses out there! You can actually donate clothing that isn't necessarily buisnessy as well, I know with our branch they have sales twice a year, where they will advertise & sell anything they can't use and all proceeds go back into Dress For Success. We've gone to a sale as well and got some great items and was happy to be helping them out in that way as well.

Another thing Vanity Fair did with our donations was have women write a little note of encouragement to a woman who would be receiving a donated bra if they wanted to. And I love handing those out as well. I love working for a company that encourages women to help other women! After all that's what "Support" is all about! ;) (Just a little bra humor!)

I think everyone should do something to help make the world a better place. And I would encourage everyone to Give Back, in whatever way they choose. I love helping women get back on their feet in a way that's important to me. If you would like to support or know more about Dress For Success, click here or they are on Social Media. Thanks.

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