Monday, April 11, 2016

My Mother In Law

On April 2nd, my Mother In Law, Bobbie Forbis, went to Heaven. 
We've been dealing with so much, and yesterday we had her funeral services.
As I reflect on my relationship with her,
and on the Woman she was; 
I was thinking what words would I use to describe her? 
Please allow me to share those Words, 
along with some of my favorite photos with you. 

The first Word that I thought of is:

She was always willing to play with her Grand Kids! 
Even wearing a skirt,
she wouldn't hesitate to get down on the floor with them.

 Or even to jump up on a Trampoline with them! 

 She loved nothing more than being surrounded by her Family.

This was when she allowed herself to be thrown into the kiddie pool! :)

 She was Fun! 
And Funny!! 

  And apparently, she's always been that way! ;)

 Working at an Elementary School, 
she made the kids love her! 
On Halloween, and Everyday! 

 She always had activities planned for them to do, 
and she passed on her love for Jigsaw Puzzles to many of her Grandchildren!

 She just had a Playful Spirit about her.

See what I mean?! :)

 The last family wedding she attended was my sons, 
Where she was wheeled out on to the Dance Floor with us all,
where she Laughed and Cried, and Danced!

The next thing that came to mind is:

And not just Plants,
though she was always really great at that!
And I, who does not have a Green Thumb, can really appreciate that!

She also grew a pretty Amazing Family!

A she produced my Husband didn't she?! :)

She would grow people literally by feeding everyone and anyone who came along!
Growing and making the most amazing food!
So many people at her funeral talked about their favorite dishes she would make for them!

 And one of the things I have Admired the most over the years
is how she was always continuing to grow herself! 
Having gotten Married at a young age, she hadn't graduated from High School,
So she decided she wanted to get her GED! 
She was in her 60's then! 

I'd visit her and she would tell me about her latest adventure;
She decided she wanted to learn some new skills
so she started to take some Classes! 
Like Cake Decorating.
And Sign Language Classes.  

She loved Music and played the Piano and Organ at her Church, 
And I remember one day she asked us if we wanted to go to a concert,
we said "Sure, what kind of concert?"
She told us, "Well, I joined a Bell Choir out at the College!"
Of course we wanted to go!
It was always something new!
And I loved watching her Grow!
I also loved the example she was setting for her Family,
that you can do anything you set your mind to. 
And you're never to old to learn something new!

She also loved to help other people Grow!
Teaching her Kids and Grand Kids how to make her signature dishes in the kitchen.
Teaching Children at Church and running Summer Camps.
Always Reading, always Learning and always Growing!

Another Word comes up when ever you think of Mom, and that Word is:

Even in the little things, like feeding the Humming Birds!
But also in the Big Things in Life!

She was a Faithful Wife to her Husband. 

Renewing their Wedding Vows after being Married for 50 years!

 To Love, Honor and Cherish 
Till Death do they part.

She has always been Faithful to her Family!
Loving Unconditionally.

 This has been a hard loss for everyone.
My Husband & I have now lost all of our Parents,
and even more heartbreaking, 
our kids no longer have any living Grand Parents. 

 I am forever grateful she was able to be at the weddings of both my son's.

 And it breaks my heart to think of everything she wont be at in the future.
Graduations, Weddings, and the Births of our future Grandchildren, and so much more.

 We have had good examples of what a Marriage should be.

 We already miss her greatly, 
but, are happy they have been reunited in Heaven,

 I am thankful for all the Memories we will each will carry with us.

 And thankful that my kids had such Amazing Grand Parents!

 Just 2 months before she passed away we Celebrated her 84th Birthday!

 We are devastated by our loss,
but, happy she is no longer in pain.
We Thank You Mom for your Faithfulness and Unwavering Love.

If I could say anything to her, it would be;
"Thank you for the gift of your son.   
You raised a good man. 
And Thank You for all you've done in our lives, 
and all that you have been to us. 
We got it from here.
You can rest now.
We Love You."


  1. Thank you Star! What a beautiful tribute to mom, she was most certainly an amazing woman who touched many many lives in her own special way!! ❤️

  2. Very heartwarming. Star, John and Family, so sorry for your loss. May you feel a tangible weightiness of God's peace and comfort resting upon you as you start on this new journey "separate from Mom." Is. 66:13 says, "As a mother comforteth her children, so will I comfort you (Jerusalem). He is near. Blessings and prayers for all her family and friends.
