Sunday, September 11, 2016

15 Years

It was one of those days we all remember exactly where we were. As for Me, I was at home with my two 3 year old daughters, my boys had gone to school. I turned on the Today Show. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was a sad time already, as I had just lost my only Sister a month before. We went to the Church where my husband was working, they had brought in a TV to watch and Pray. I remember my little girls saying "Daddy, we already watched this one with a plane flying into the building!" And I was so grateful they weren't old enough to understand what was really going on.

My boy's were in 4th and 5th grades. They were told and watched at school, then were sent home early. We had many conversations following. Adults couldn't understand it, let alone children. I've read "Let's Roll" and other books, and we've watched the Movies made about that day. Then when my boys were teenagers we got to go to New York. We stood at the Memorial as it was being built. When you stepped off the subway, you just felt a hush in the air. I think it truly is the only quiet place in the city.

A few years ago, John & I got to visit Washington D.C., another awesome city. Below is a pic we snapped of the Pentagon, that was also hit on 9/11. In both cities we heard stories from people who were there that day, and what they lived through.

My oldest son, Kyle and his wife, Katie spent their Honeymoon in New York. All the Pictures of the 9/11 Memorial and the new Freedom Tower, he took. The ones with the Twin Towers in them I got off the Internet, as I wanted to show some before and afters.

We will not forget.

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