Thursday, November 3, 2016

Thankful Thursday: Girl Power!

Yes, It's that time of year again! When Every Thursday of the Month becomes Thankful Thursday! A day set aside to remember to be Grateful for all we've been given. It can be anything! From the silly to the serious, the mundane to the meaningful. And I encourage you, at this Thanksgiving Season, and Always, to voice what you are Thankful for. And please share it with me here as well. Because as always, I am so Thankful for you, my Readers . . . 

 To kick start my month of Thankful Thursdays, I have to start with last night; The Election is next week, and Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton made a stop here in the great state of Arizona. Political Rallies are free, you just have to be willing to stand in line. There were more than 10,000 people there! 

 I along with my Daughters were among the 10.000 plus. It was fun and exciting to be there, and even better to get to share it with my girls, and to see it all through their eyes.

We heard a few speakers, including Representative Gabby Giffords, who was shot at a Rally here in Tucson, AZ.

My Brave little Girl, Erica, fought her way toward the front, where she stood (in Thigh High Boots mind you!) for 2 hours, to get pictures of Hillary entering! While Lexi and I danced, and sat in the bleachers. And she did get some really great shots and video! And when she finally joined us, she did take off her boots for a bit! :)

 There were people of all ages, races, sexes, etc. there. We heard many chants, and saw a vast array of signs & shirts. I saw 3 others with my DVF shirt! Great Taste! :) We saw a T-Shirt that stated "A Woman's Place is in the Kitchen!" :0 We also saw one that said "A Woman's Place is in the White House!" ;) On a personal note here; I believe a woman's place is wherever she wants it to be!!

 Here we are, with Hillary speaking behind us! And after the rally, as we were making our way out among the crowd, (which went surprisingly smoothly, there were protesters, but from our vantage point, everyone was civil, the entire time we saw 1 person being escorted out in handcuffs) a man asked me what I thought of the rally, my answer was "I am excited to be here with my daughters, as this is the first Presidential Election they are able to vote in, and how thrilled I am that they have a Woman on the ballot!" Let us not forget, It wasn't all that long ago, women weren't even able to vote at all! And weather or not you agree with her, weather or not you vote for her, weather or not she wins, this is a great thing for all of us! And for that I'm Thankful!

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