Monday, May 29, 2017

More Exciting News!!

 As you know I will becoming a "Glam-ma" this August! Yay! Well, we have more good news; my oldest son, and his wife announced they are expecting their first child in November! That's right, I will become a Glam-ma TWICE this year!! #DoublyBlessed We are all so excited! We'll have two little ones, Cousins, who get to grow up together. Our family is growing, and we couldn't be happier!

Kyle & Katie came over for dinner back in April, he was wearing a T-Shirt that said "Dad Bod", while hers said "Eating For Two!" :) We clapped & screamed! They announced it publicly on Mother's Day, by posting the picture above, which they took a trip to Disneyland to capture. So cute!  Congratulations you two! We're so excited for this new 'Adventure Land' you are stepping into!

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