Thursday, November 2, 2017

Thankful Thursday: Being a Glam-ma

 It is November. And you know what that means; Thankful Thursday is back. Every Thursday in November we talk about things we are Thankful for. And to start off this Year, I have something Amazing to be Thankful for . . .

 That's right, believe it or not, I have become a Glam-ma! On August 31st, the world as I knew it changed! My Baby Boy had a Baby Boy.

Ashton Micah entered the world in a rough way, He gave us a scare and had to be flown by helicopter from Page, Arizona to Flagstaff, to a larger Hospital.

 Our tiny little fighter. He and his Momma had a pretty hard go of it for awhile. But finally they started getting better and Ashton started gaining weight.

Thankfully, Both Mommy and Baby are Healthy now! He is just the Sweetest little guy. He is a Five and a half hour drive from us, but I've been able to see him every month so far.

Our little Man was Woody from Toy Story for his first Halloween. Cutest thing ever! 

 Yes, I have something extra special to be Thankful for on this first Thankful Thursday of 2017! Glamma's Boy. I Love you so much and am so Thankful you have joined our Family! <3 br="">

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