Thursday, November 16, 2017

Thankful Thursday: Daughters-in-law

We've all heard that old saying; 
"A Son is a Son, till he takes a Wife, a Daughter is a Daughter for the rest of her Life!" 
As a Mother of Sons, that's a scary thought.

 Well, I am Happy to report, it is not the case! 
My son's wives have become an important part of our family!

Today is Kendra's Birthday!
She is Fun, Caring, and has given us the gift of our first Grand baby! :)

 Katie's Birthday was this month as well.
She's Smart, Loving, and will soon be bringing our second Grand son into the world!

Both of my Daughters in Law are Beautiful and Funny, 
Sweet and Strong Women.
(It's almost as if I raised them myself!) :)

I am proud to have them as part of our Family!
And for them, I will always be Thankful! 

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