Monday, December 30, 2024

60 at Sixty

Months ago, my Hubby was watching some sports show called 30 at 30, or something like that. And as we were talking, I had the thought that as my 60th Birthday would be approaching that I should come up with a 60 at Sixty list. A list of 60 Events, Times, People or Things. Etc. that Impacted my Life and have helped to make me the person I am today!  We had a "Sweet 60" Birthday Party where everyone dressed up like the 60's to Celebrate! And I posted my list. It was fun looking back and answering questions about some of the items on the list. I thought I would share it here as well, so enjoy! 

1. Christmas Day 1964 I was born into a large family. 

2. 1968 a Local Newspaper featured me for being born on Christmas. 

3. At 4 years old I moved into the house I would live in until I got married! 

4. I gave my heart to Jesus. 

5. Had a Charmed Childhood. 

6. in 6th Grade I read Little Women for the very first time! (and have re-read it many times since!) 

7. At age 12 I traded Barbies in for Make-Up. 

8. Attended my first Family Reunion in Oklahoma to meet all my Cous

9. At age 15, was Crowned a Missionette Honor Star. 

10. Spent my summers as a Teenager in Michigan with my extended Family. 

11. Visited Canada (without I.D.)

12. I became a Dancer! Taking Modern Dance all throughout High School. 

13. Had a Surprise Sween 16 Birthday Party at Farrells Ice Cream Parlor! 

14. 1982 Graduated from Maryvale High School! 

15. Crowned Camp Queen at Summer Camp! 

16. Got my First Job! Working Retail at Lerner's! 

17. Got my Driver's License at age 18! 

18. Went to Paris, France in 1985! 

19. In 1986 I went on a Blind Date that changed my life forever! 

20. 1987 Said "I Do!" 

21. Became a part of the Forbis Family and gained in-laws! 

22. 1990 I became a Mom! Kyle Micah Forbis was born! 

23. And 16 months later in 1991, Zacheriah Duane Forbis was born! 

24. We moved to Michigan! 

25. Became a Stay at Home Mom! 

26. Surprise 30th Birthday Party! And had Christmas before Thanksgiving that year! 

27. Survived Thyroid Cancer! 

28. 1997 Celebrated 10 Years of Marriage and had Twins! Erica Starr & Alexia Jewell! 

29. Helped plant a Church in Louisianna. 

30. 2001 Lost my only Sister one month before 9/11 happened. 

31. Moved out of Louisiana and into Ohio. 

32. Came back home to Arizona! 

33. Lost my Dad. 

34. Visited Mexico! 

35. Went back to work! 

36. Celebrated 25 years of Marriage! 

37. Discovered Hila! 

38. In 2008, I started Blogging! 

39. Became a Twilight Mom with Midnight Movie Premiers! 

40. Went to New York City! 

41. Visited Mt. Rainier, Seattle and Forks Washington! 

42. Lost my Brother in Law, Tom. 

43. Raised 4 Amazing Humans! 

44. Celebrated turning 50! 

45. 2012 Lost my Mom. 

46. 2014 Visited Washington D.C. 

47. 2014 My oldest son got Married and I became a Mother in Law to Katie! 

48. 2015 I discovered Dress for Success! 

49. 2015 Zach got Married and I got another Daughter in Law; Kendra! 

50. Started BookFinks BookClub with my Nieces!! 

51. 2017 I became a Glamma! Ashton Micah and Walter Jay were born!! 

52. 2020 Our 3rd Grandbaby, Norah Paige was born! (The Absolute best thing to come out of the Pandemic year!)

53. Finally made it to Hawaii! The number 1 Item on my Bucket list! 

54. 2022 Oscar Paul was born! Grandbaby Number 4! 

55. Lesi got Married and I gained a Son in Law; Brad Hendrickson! 

56. Erica brought Miranda Fatale into the Family! 

57. I found Hula once again! 

58. We bought our First Home!! 

59. 2024 Hannah Joy was born! Our 5th Grandbaby! 

60. Is Aging Gracefully! 


  1. I love this! Happy birthday Star! You are a fun and inspiring friend!

  2. This is great! Now get started on the next 60 🤗💜

  3. 😀 I can try!!
