Friday, June 13, 2008


I am one of seven children. My Parents had 5 Boys & 2 Girls. And my mom has always said that Boys are much easier to raise than Girls. I don't know if my sister and I were just that tough, or what?! Because I do know that the boys were FAR from perfect! (very far!) And I have son's just like some of them to prove it. And my mom is not the only person I've heard say this. As Youth Pastors, we've dealt with teenagers & their parents for many years, and many of them said the same thing as well. I think they are referencing those wonderful pre-teen and teen age years when the emotions often times run away with your child. And your left wondering where that sweet kid of yours went, and more importantly, when are they coming back?!

So, now that I have two of each, I've learnt that even two kids of the SAME sex can be, and usually are, very different from each other. And I do know that I am NOT ready to have two adolescent girls in my house. Yikes! Recently when I was reading a blog that I read weekly by another Music Pastors wife from a huge church in Atlanta, GA. who has three small children, one who is adopted. She's very open & honest, and has some great ideas for family nights, and it's just fun to read if you ever want to check it out. It's called 'Whittaker Woman'. On her blog I found this saying that I love: "When you have a boy, you have to worry about one boy on the planet. When you have a girl, you have to worry about every boy on the planet." How true is that?!

Now, I want to know what you think. Click on Comment at the end of this post & share your thoughts on Boys-Vs-Girls. Let us know which you think is easier or harder to raise & why. And come back often to read everyones responses. It will be fun, and we'll all gain some insight from each other.

I leave you with this thought. Psalms 127:3-5 says: Don't you see that children are God's best gift? the fruit of the womb his generous legacy? Like a warrior's fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth. Oh, how blessed are you parents, with your quivers full of children!


  1. I am all about the girls! I love my boy but man he is making me earn my money! Great start, keep it up! H

  2. I am sure that there will be a day that I eat these words but right now I am with whittakerwoman-Go girls! Perhaps I just don't know what to do with boys...:)

  3. I love having boys and have no idea what I would do with a girl. The boys are so self sufficient.

  4. Boys are way easier!! I have watched girls before and they are much more high maintance. I love having my boys and you're right it is much easier to only have to worry about one boy in the world instead of alot of them. That is very true!! This is great and keep up the good work!!!

  5. I love my three sons and can't imagine my life without them. I think that most moms have a special connection with their sons (mama's boy) just like most dads have a special connection with their daughters (daddy's girl). I think that their is less emotional upheaval with boys,although even boys go thru a very emotional time during puberty.
