Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Fathers Day

I hope you all had a great weekend celebrating Fathers Day!

We were going out to dinner on Saturday evening for Fathers Day, so I was in my room getting ready, doing my hair. And John had gotten a call from a friend of ours who needed to talk about some issues. So, he came in while I was getting ready so we could talk about things. (So, needless to say I was distracted.) I finished my hair, and we left for the restaurant.

We're driving down the freeway, about half way to the restaurant when it hits me . . . in a panic, I yell out "Oh my goodness!" John and the kids all look around to see if we're about to be in an accident or whats going on. Then I tell them "I forgot to put on make-up!" They all immediately burst into laughter. I was mortified. I have not left my house without make-up on since I was 12 years old! I have no eyes and no lips without make-up. Kyle threatened to take a picture with his phone. (He values his life too much to actually do it!) and my loving, caring husband, who's stood beside me for over 20 years and has been a wonderful father to our four children WOULD NOT turn around & take me back home to remedy the situation.

But, Luckily for me, in the same parking lot the restaurant is in, there is a Target. Hallelujah! So, I drop off John & the kids to go put our name in for a table & run over to Target. I run into the store (never taking my sun glasses off the entire time in the store, and praying I don't see anyone I know) quickly grab the basics I need, pay, apply, drive back to the restaurant, and all just in time to sit down to my Diet Coke & an appetizer they just brought out. Now that's great timing! And my husband didn't have to look at me with no make-up on throughout our dinner, now that's a great Fathers Day present!

Speaking of Father's day gifts, John got a new, awesome guitar pedal (that's how he describes it) he picked out, so he told us we couldn't get him anything else for Fathers day. But he has to have something to open on that day too, right? I couldn't put a big bow on his guitar pedal in front of the whole church while he's leading worship. But we did get him something little anyway. I found a picture frame that holds four pictures, and in it I put a picture of him baptizing in water all four of our kids to hang in his office at the church. Being a Pastor, he was able to baptize our kids himself, they were all very memorable & special.

Kyle was 8 years old and was baptized in a lake in Michigan. Zach was 9, and it was in a swimming pool in Louisiana. Erica & Lexi were 10 (it was just two months ago) and were baptized in a baptismal tank in our church.

He was surprised and loved the pictures! So, I thought I'd share them with you as well.


  1. Wow...talk about a flashback! I remember well the day Kyle was baptized. Time fly's so fast. What a special gift to give. Very creative, Starlet*.

    love ya,
    Lindy Lou

  2. People have been asking me what was the Basics (make-up) that I bought? It was concealer (the #1 priority with this skin!), Blush, eye shadow and mascara. I do always carry lipstick with me as I always put that on in the car.
    There you have it! What are your basics, you can't leave home without?
