Saturday, August 16, 2008

Making Music

"It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High, to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night, to the music of the ten-stringed lyre and the melody of the harp." (Psalm 92: 1-3)

If you know me very well, you know I am married to a musician. Not only is that his talent, that is how he makes a living as well. Making music! You also know that I am musically illiterate! I play no instrument, (my husband can perform on at least four instruments, and play several others.) I do not sing (not well anyway!) Though I do love music. And I am, of course, his biggest fan!

So, of course my boys followed in their fathers footsteps. Kyle plays the drums and sings in both the youth band, and the worship band at church. And Zach took piano lessons when he was little, then he started playing the Tenor Sax and then the Baritone Sax in school bands for the past five years. Then a couple of years ago he picked up the Guitar and literally has not put it down. He plays at least two hours a day almost every day! He plays in both the youth and adult bands at church as well. This year, since he has hopes of becoming a Worship Pastor like his father, he opted out of band in order to take choir. Thinking that bettering his vocal skills will benefit him more in the long run than playing Saxophone will. He will still be in the Jazz Band on Guitar though. They both Rock!

And my girls, watching all this unfold, could not wait until fifth grade, because that is when you get to start band! They have known for awhile exactly what instruments they wanted to play. (Thank God we still have band in the public schools! At least in Arizona. And I wish it was everywhere. It's a proven fact that kids who play musical instruments are smarter in all subjects, and get better grades. And I always called those kids "Band Geeks!" and now I'm married to one, and have given birth to four of them! Don't tell anyone from my High school!) ;)

So, now Lexi is playing the Flute and Erica is playing the French Horn! They are way beyond excited about it! It's all they talk about. They practice all the time! Well, Okay, they are really trying to just get sound out of their instruments right now. But they are doing it! Dad and Zach have helped show them how to take care of their instruments. So, to all my neighbors who may hear squealing sounds coming from our house, I'm sorry. Be patient, and they will be playing the right notes soon. And I will go back to being the only non-musical member of my family! Oh Well, it's all music to my ears!

The girls discovering music (or at least CDs) for the first time.

Helping Daddy make music.

Now learning to play their new instruments.


  1. Did you just call me a "band geek"?

  2. I played the French horn too - for nine years. Go girls go!!

  3. I was a band and choir geek. I played the flute and loved it.

  4. I love to play the french horn. It rocks.

    from Erica Star's daughter

  5. I was in choir all throughout junior high, but left it this year for some strange reason.... but im proud to now be singing in the youth worship band. I also used to play the violin and was rather good at it, but i gave that up to play the flute, let's just say that was a horrible experience... so my best wishes to Lexi. Im now trying to teach myself how to play the piano and bass guitar.
