Tuesday, August 19, 2008

About Today

So, if what I did today could have saved my life, then why was I literally scared to death?!

One of my favorite sayings is, "If there is no fear, there can be no courage!"

Let me start at the beginning . . . It was almost exactly seven years ago that I lost my one and only sister to colon cancer. She was diagnosed at the age of 48 and died within a year. During that time her doctors told us, her family, that we should all have a Colonoscopy. When you watch someone you love go through cancer treatment, the last thing you want to think about is your family having to watch you go through that.

Well, my Doctor has continued to 'remind' me that I needed to get that taken care of. But, fear helped me to keep putting it off. So this year I made up my mind to have it done. After all, Colon cancer, if caught early, (and Colonoscopy is the ONLY way of catching it) is 100% curable! So, I made an appointment months and months ago, not realizing that I'd made my appointment for exactly one week after the anniversary of the day I lost my sister. So, needless to say I was scared!

So scared in fact, that the only people I told I was having it done was my family, the staff at my church, and one couple in our church who has also been through cancer and are having their first colonoscopy's this year as well. They were my prayer warriors. And I did it! Yeah me! And it was quick and so easy! And all is well. I am clean and clear. I thank God for that. The Doctor told John I was 'clean as a whistle!' But then I said, How clean is a whistle really? People put them in their mouths, and mouths are full of germs. (Don't go there!)

And I have to thank my brothers for being themselves, and coming up with every toilet/bodily fluid jokes they could think of to throw my way for the day before the colonoscopy, when I was on a clear liquid diet and the "cleansing" phase. Yuck. (I am hoping though that this helps with the Biggest Loser competition at my church, always looking for the bright side of things!) Though it is nice to know (I guess) that some things in life are steadfast, and will never change. Like the fact that no matter how old you get, that even as adults, BROTHERS ARE GROSS!

And that there is no one on earth like your sister! I've thought a lot about mine this past week. I still miss Debbie everyday. Sometimes things happen in my life and I know the only person I could have ever talked to about this is her. And I wish she was here. I know she'd be proud of me, cause she always told me that she was. My mom says I get my writing style from her. She always wrote beautiful letters and cards, and I'm so thankful that I kept them, and can read them from time to time. Here's one of my favorite pictures of us together. Thanks for letting me tell you about her.


  1. Good girl!

    My mom also had colon cancer that had metastized to her liver. She died about 2 weeks after her diagnosis at age 62. She hadn't ever had a colonoscopy until it was too late. That was 9 years ago.

    Yep, that cleansing is intimidating, and the thought of a colonoscopy is scary, but the benefits so outweigh the objections. And the jokes are funny after all! The doctor had a sign in the shape of a pointing finger that said "Proctologist in rear". That still gives me a good laugh...

    Now you are even more equipped to let other scared people know that it is worth it!

    My first colonoscopy revealed polyps, but they were taken care of right then, and my 2nd colonoscopy was clear. I can't help but wonder what would have happened if I had postponed.

    I'm so sorry about your sister. I still miss my mom every day!

    Love your blog, I have been lurking for a while. I have teenagers too, and it is so refreshing to hear your positive outlook and your enjoyment of them as they are.

  2. Proud of you there sister - T&K

  3. Debbie must be looking down on you with such pride!
