Monday, August 25, 2008

The Tall And Short Of It

Well, it's finally happened. . . Zach (our younger son) has surpassed his older brother in height. We knew this day would eventually come. They are only 16 months apart in age and all through their lives Zach would get within an inch of his big brother and then Kyle would have a growth spurt, Zach would try to catch up but never actually did. Until now. Zach is at least a 1/2 inch taller, and with Kyle being 18 now, he may not have anymore growth spurts left in him. And Zach, at 16 is probably still growing. Kyle is not very happy about his younger brother being taller than him. Though we've tried to prepare him for the possibility.

They've both been taller than me for awhile now, but as I have tried to remind them often, you're never too big to not have to listen to your mom! I'm still the boss. And they just look down at me, roll their eyes, smile, and say I know mom, I know.

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