Monday, November 24, 2008

I'm Saucy! Who Knew!

So, yesterday while I'm sitting in Church, my BlackBerry starts lighting up like crazy saying I have all these E-mails of comments on my Blog. And I'm thinking "what in the world is up with that?!" Well, I am so honored that what is up is that my Blog has been selected as a "Saucy Blog" from the ladies over at The Secret Is In The Sauce Blog group. How cool is that. So all this week I'll have visitors checking out my Blog and leaving me tons of comments. It's so much fun! I hope you all like reading my Blog as much as I like writing it. And find me saucy enough to come back and visit me once in awhile.

I also started my new job today! My brain is tired from absorbing all this new information I'm learning. (And they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, well they haven't meet this old dog!) What a great way to start out my week. New Blogosphere friends and a new job. I have a lot to be thankful for.


  1. Visiting from SITS! Congrats on your new job. I hope your first day went is always a bit unnerving, isn't it? I love your post below, your letter to Mother Nature. Good luck with your daughters...I am one of three poor father!

  2. Hi! Visiting from SITS! I love your profile comment about inspiring your children and that they are great "in-spite" of you....too funny and so real!

    I'm looking forward to reading!

  3. Hello from SITS!! Hope your day at work went well.

  4. Hey my SITSTA! Congrats on your new job! Great post!

  5. Hi, just saw somewhere that you are the mother of 11 yr. old twin daughters. Just wanted to say that I am a grandmother of twin 11 yr old granddaughters...and have another g-daughter that is only 3 days younger so it's like triplets when they get of the COOLEST things in my entire long life is that I had
    love it !!
    xo bj

  6. Hi! Congrats on being saucy! I loved your blog and will definitely be back :) I am a pastor's wife too, so we have that in common. Have a great week!

  7. Congrats on the new job and being Saucy.

  8. Wanted to wish you a Happy SAUCY week. Good luck on the new job and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Congrats on being Saucy this week! Good luck with the new job!

  10. Congrats on being oh so saucy, my SITSta! We took the journey together--I'm from MyBrownBaby, featured alongside your wonderful blog last week. I hope you enjoyed your extra special sauciness, and had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!
