Friday, November 21, 2008

Dear Mother Nature

I don't know why you think this is so funny, it's not. Yet you continue to play all these "little tricks" on me. And quite frankly I'm sick of it! First of all every time I look at my daughters beautiful skin I'm reminded that mine no longer looks like that. Could you ease up on the lines and wrinkles, not to mention the sun spots. (Why didn't you worn me about those all throughout my teenage years, as I was laying out, seeking that color from you? How Rude! You just let me lay there, rubbing baby oil on my skin. I'm much smarter now, my kids don't swim without sunblock, so there.)

And another thing, I have twin girls fast approaching adolescence. That in itself could send anyone over the deep end. But it's not enough for you, no, you thought it would be oh so hilarious to plan that at around the same time I should be fast approaching going out the other side. The thought of Puberty and Menopause in the same household at the same time. Good one! Now I'm all in favor of a good practical joke, but this is too much! How can I put a stop to both of those things? Get back to me on that ASAP would ya?!

I have a few other bones to pick with you as well. I, who have never worn glasses in my life, and have perfect vision, broke down and bought those little magnifying glasses for reading. Not Funny! I only wear them in my house, but this better not get any worse. And whats the point of making things saggy that use to be "perky"? I liked it much better the other way.

I'm here to try to convince you to change your ways. Undo those mean things you've done to me and all my friends. It's not too late to turn over a new leaf. Please. Forgiveness is yours for the asking.

Sincerely, Star*


  1. I feel your pain, SITSa. I wrote a post complaining about some of these very things just a couple of days ago !

  2. I avoid mirrors at all costs.

    We have a mutual agreement, we stay away from each other!

    I hope Mother Nature hears your shout out and if she does, please share the secrets if she unveils them to you, k?

    Very funny! :)

  3. Amen. Send her my way after she undoes what she has done to you. Same things are happening here.

  4. Oh my gosh. I'm laughing so hard Matt just asked me what my issue is LOL

  5. Preach it SITSa. I love your letter. I am eager for her response. I hope you have a great weekend.

  6. I wear googly eyeglasses now and I wish I don't! oh well...such is life! oh there I said it! Life is my new post on open letter! LOL!

  7. Good one! Thanks for reminding me to read this today. I haven't been on here in a while so it took me a while to catch up. Such great stories! Keep reminding me okay?!?

  8. Amen, SITSta! A perfect letter for Mother Nature to mull over. But why do I feel like she won't change her ways?

  9. i'm just stopping by from sits. congrats on being a saucy blog! aren't sunspots just the worst? you can't get rid of them! ugh!

  10. YEA! You are saucy!!!
    Sending LOVE your way!!

  11. Oooh I love this!

    Enjoy your saucy week on SITS!


  12. From one Saucy Blog chic to another...:)

    Came to visit. Congrats on being Saucy!

  13. Congrats on being Saucy.
    Please let us know how MN responses.

  14. Love this post!! I wrote a letter too!! Congrats on your sauciness!!

    ~Jill :)

  15. Hello fellow SITS-er! Congrats on being a blog of the week. I hope you have tons of visitors. Come visit if you get the chance at:

  16. And just when you think Mother Nature is through with you, don't let your guard down, she will send you some more surprises, she has a big bag of tricks with a few up her sleeve. Don't ever think, "It can't get any worse, cause it usually does.

    Funny post! Happy Saucy Blog Day to you!

  17. Hello SITSta! Great letter to Mama Nature. This is the second post I read this morning about menoyouknowhat. Must be something in the air.

  18. Congrats on being Saucy ...
    Great letter you wrote to Mother Nature, haha ....

  19. Cute!!!

    Congratulations on your sauciness!!!!

  20. Love the letter! Congrats on being Saucy from another fellow SITSta!!

  21. Congrats on your sauciness!! :) Have a great week!

  22. Oh this post cracks me up!! And I feeeeel the pain :)
    congrats on being saucy!

  23. Visiting from SITS. Couldn't agree with the leter more. PS very saucy day to ya.

  24. Good letter!!!

    Congrats on being SaUcY!

  25. Mother nature can be a total witch! ;P Congrats on being SAUCY!! :)

  26. Great letter! And congrats on your sauciness :)

  27. Congrats on being Saucy! Enjoy your saucy week!

  28. Congratulations on being Saucy! Enjoy the week:-)

  29. I remember my gramma stroking my hand and saying "Oh that skin, that beautiful skin.." I thought she was nuts...Now? I'm totally doing the same thing to my kids (!)
    Enjoy your saucy week.

  30. Great letter and congrats to being so saucy!!!

  31. CONGRATS ON BEING SAUCY! great letter, btw... :)

  32. I agree with you 100%!

    Congrats on being a saucy blog!

  33. Congratulations on being Saucy this week. :) Your post is hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.

  34. Congratulations on your Saucy blog!

  35. Congrats on your sauciness....and all I can say is...I love that post....happy Thanksgiving to you and your family

  36. Congrats on being saucy. Love your writing

  37. Please don't take this the wrong way but boy am I glad I am not in your household. When my daughter went through puberty, I swear she grew fangs and claws. Good luck and I hope it helps that you were named a saucy blog!

  38. Congrats on being Saucy!

    And...I totally can't wait to need those cute little magnifying glasses. I even tried some leopard print ones on last night...hoping! Nope, don't need them yet. But YOU go buy yourself some cute ones!

  39. Great letter! It is dawning on me that we may have the same two things going on in our household in the years to come...ugh!!!

    Congrats on being Saucy!

  40. Amen. The headlights face down and I'd rather highlight what's in front, not the ground!!
