Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My New Job

I got a new job! "Yeah Me!"

I was just hired by the Portrait Studio in Sears, for the Holidays. I'm so excited, I love to take pictures, and now I'll be getting paid for doing it! It will be invaluable experience and training for me. It's just part time on the days I'm not working at the Church. And the way I love to shop (especially for Christmas) the extra income will be a huge blessing!

To all those who've been praying for me and my job pursuit I just have two things to say: Thank You, and It Worked! It's really "Yeah God!", not yeah me. I start on Monday. Now if we can just find Kyle a job. And I'm sure the people I encounter while working there will make for some fun (and funny) Blog posts. Stay tuned.

Have you taken your Christmas pictures yet? (We haven't, but I am thinking about it! does that count?)


  1. Congratulations on the new job. Sounds like a lot of fun! And thanks for visiting today on the BATW layover! I am leaning towards the swing picture but haven't totally decided.

  2. Yea for taking pics at sears!! That is soo exciting!!
    AMEN to the nature thing....these boobs have seen better days.

  3. Oooh! That sounds so fun! I can't wait to hear some good stories about it!

  4. Thanks for the Christmas Picture reminder! AH! One more thing I need to schedule this week. I'm so glad to find your blog...congrats on being Saucy! I'll be back!
