Sunday, November 30, 2008

Update On My New Job

Well, I made through my first week of my new job! It's been really fun. I'm not learning the camera room yet, so after the pictures have been taken they're sent to me and I enhance them, then show them to the customers and help them pick out what they want. They've told me I'm doing really well and am a fast learner. (who knew?!)

I'm having fun doing it, and so far have worked there everyday I'm not working at the Church. It's usually 5-8 hours a day. So, John and the kids have pitched in to help keep the house picked up and everyone fed, etc. Saturday while I was at work, John, Kyle & the girls cleaned the house and rearranged the furniture to get it ready to put the Christmas tree up. (We usually put it up Thanksgiving weekend, but with me working, we weren't able to yet, hopefully we will be able to decorate this week.) They even made me a special dinner when I got home. So, so far, so good! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fun! I love traditions. We're trying to figure out what we want ours to be, now that we have kids of our own.
