Monday, December 15, 2008

The Gift Of Today

God even cares about the little things in our lives. Today I was to work all day. 9:30-6:30. I was starting to get really stressed out about Christmas, and how far behind I am in everything that needs to be done. Monday is John's day off, so I gave him a list of things to go shopping for. Two of the things he hates most in this world are being alone and shopping. And he had to do both of them today. Also my girls had their very first band concert ever tonight, that starts at 6:30, they play first, and that's right when I was to get off work (unless I'm busy with a customer and can't leave right away) I was afraid I was going to miss it.

But God. Just as I was about to pull into the mall parking lot, my cell phone rings. It's work telling me they aren't that busy today, so I don't need to come in. So, John and I got to spend the day together doing some much needed shopping. I addressed my Christmas cards. And I got to be at my girls First ever band concert, and see the whole thing! (And while the other band was playing I was able to fold all my Christmas letters!) The girls did Awesome! Each section played one song by themselves and then they all played it together. Lexi and the Flutes did amazing. And since Erica is the only French Horn, she got to play a solo. And did so good!

Yesterday is History,
Tomorrow a Mystery,
Today is a Gift,
That is why it is called The Present.


  1. I'm always amazed at God's orchestration!

    I know a Kung Fu Panda quote when I hear one! My son lives and breathes that movie--in fact it's playing right now in my living room!

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