Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Jinge All The Way

Around here we like to have what we affectionately call "Forbis Family Fun Nights" Where we do fun things together as a Family. And around Christmas time we like to have a night where we all stay home (which is becoming more and more rare!) and watch a Christmas movie together. Some of our favorites are "It's a Wonderful Life", "A Christmas Story", "Elf", "The Santa Clause", "The Grinch", this list could go on and on. One I always look forward to seeing is "Jingle All The Way" in which Arnold's character frantically runs around trying to find Turbo Man for his son. And every time I watch it, It reminds me of a time when my boys were little and we ran around all over town looking for just the right color Power Rangers for them. I know you can relate. If it wasn't Power Rangers, it was Tickle Me Elmo or some other toy you knew would just make your kids jump for joy to get on Christmas morning.

This year is a little sad for me because all my kids are now getting too old for toys. Shopping for toys can be so much fun. I remember finding out I was pregnant with twin girls after having two boys (and thinking I was done having kids) and actually saying out loud "yeah, now I'll get to shop in the Barbie isle!" As your kids get older their presents get less exciting to shop for. (Not to mention more expensive!) I told my girls what I was gonna ask Santa for this year is for my kids to stop growing up!


  1. My DD is starting to want things besides toys, and I am sad in some ways but joyous in other ways to see that she is growing up. We are still getting her some toys this year! I just can see it coming as the end of an era and the start of a new one.

  2. We love the Christmas movies too! Our favourites are The Santa Clause, Elf, Jingle all the way, and of course - Muppets Christmas Carol! Thanks for stopping by my blog today!
