Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Change Has Come To America

History was made today, and It was exciting to watch it!

Change has come to America!
(Change: noun, a transformation, the process of becoming different)

"Blessed be the name of God,
forever and ever.
He knows all, does all:
He changes the seasons and guides history,
He raises up kings and also brings them down,
He provides both intelligence and discernment,
He opens up the depths, tells secrets,
sees in the dark-light spills out of Him!
God of all my ancestors, all thanks! all praise!"
(Daniel 2:19-23)

I'm proud to be an American, Today and Everyday!
And am so thankful I'm able to raise my children here.
Let's continue to Pray for our President, and for this great country.


  1. History was most certainly made. I really like those verses too; what translation did you use? They are powerful.

    God bless!

  2. I'm so glad it's the beginning of a new era!

  3. Thanks, the verses were from The Message Bible.

  4. I am very excited as well, and I am Canadian!

  5. It really was an exciting day. Everyone I knew was glued to the coverage even if Obama hadn't been their guy. I'm praying for our new president, the first family, and our country.

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    I'm proud too.

  7. Great verses Star! I was proud too, and moved deeply. Praying!
