Sunday, January 18, 2009

Oh No, We Ain't Going There

Okay, so Lexi comes home from Church with this:

Remember she is only 11 years old!

Now, I must say, having my Blog featured this past week by two separate Blog Groups was very exciting for me, and a bit overwhelming. And many new readers commented on my post When Your Kids Start Dating and said how cool of a mom they thought I was. Well, I'm sorry I have to burst that bubble so soon. You are about to see just how Uncool I am. And in my defense, there is a huge difference between a 16 or 18 year old, and an 11 year old.

I remember when Kyle was in about the forth grade, and little girls started calling our house saying "I think your cute!" I was uncool then too. And said when my girls are in the forth grade they will not be calling boys saying I think your cute. Well, they are in the fifth grade, and now I've got written proof! (evil laugh)

And what happened to the sweet, innocent notes we used to pass as kids: Do you like me? Check Yes or No. And sometimes there would be a Maybe box too. (I'd always check the maybe box, so I wouldn't hurt any one's feelings.) What's up with the "will you date me?" Does this boy even know what dating is?

Erica also got a note that said: Do you mind if I go out with your sister? So, okay, I guess he gets some points for caring enough to ask her twin sister if it's okay with her. But why didn't he ask her mom?! They don't even know yet who Mike's friend is. But, I'd like to hand him a note that says: Dear Mike's Friend, NOT! or Come back in about 5 years or so.

As a girl, I used to think the story of Rapunzel was so cruel. But, I got to tell you, as a mom, I'm rethinking that. It's actually starting to look pretty good to me. Does anyone have a tower for rent? It would have to be large enough to house twins for a few years. And with my girls and their curly hair, I don't think I'd have to worry about it growing long enough for Prince Charming (or Mikes friend) to climb up. It would just get bushier and bushier! Even better. Let me know on the rental.


  1. Oh, funny! I would always circle the yes the no and the or!

  2. Oh my gosh! They still do that?!?! They don't just I/M or text each other, lol!

  3. That's one bold kid. A tower may definitely be in order.

  4. This post has made me smile through and through! I'm definitely sharing this in my box, right away! :)


    I love the way it is written...delivering humor piece by piece...the flow of it is so smooth...

    I have to say though, I would love for my son to go on a date...LOL...with me there, of course! Just think! Me and Gil...a little girl and her mommy...we can go have ice cream cones together! :)

    Don't worry too much...I think that it's the time and age these days...the things that are going on in the secular world, that become sources for much worry for parents. But when you look at it through the eyes of innocence and imagine that we are living in the 1920's and ice cream cones still cost a half a cent, I think you won't feel so worried anymore.

  5. you have to admit you do have very cute girls.. But you are so right!! They are 11... I would have them reply... Sorry, I too young to date. Check back in a 6 yrs. PS you are on my mother blog for the whole world to see!!

    In the mean time I will keep my out for a tower for you to rent!

  6. Oh, too funny! I don't have a tower, but I'll keep my eyes peeled for one, lol.

    I never could figure out why my Dad always freaked out when I was younger and would talk about boys that I liked. Now I'm a Mom have 2 that have flown the nest and just became a Grandma on Christmas......I figured it out!!

    I absolutely love your humor! So glad I found your blog and now get updates...

    Have a Wonderful Day!

  7. This cracks me up! But if it were my daughter I would have exactly the same reaction. That tower sounds pretty good.

  8. that is kinda cute. I remember sending letters like that when I was a kid. Hope you find that tower.

  9. UH OH! Your in trouble! LOL Your a winner. You can pick up your award at my blog. THanks

  10. OMG you are a scream!!! I have not laughed so hard this week yet, sorry it is only the beginning of the week! Nevertheless I had to start laughing sometime this week right? " A tower for rent" and "See how uncool I could get"
    You must admit though that there is nothing quite so chivalrous as a hand written note!Hoorah ! chivalry is still alive!

  11. Hmm... I would be very upset if I saw a note like that and my daughter was 11. I have an aunt who retired from teaching 6th grade for many years, and her last years of teaching [in the 1990's] she had 1 pregnant girl in her class every year. Kids are seeing much more on TV and in movies, and they are becoming sexually active younger and younger. My son is 12 and I would be horrified if he said he wanted to "date" a girl. You have to teach your children how to avoid this nonsense and be safe.

  12. I do give him props for asking the brother though!!

    Kind of cute - but only because it's not my baby!

  13. We are going to start building our tower now for when Isabella starts getting these kind of notes. Thanks for the warning.

  14. Haha, your post made me laugh!

    Be as uncool as you want to be!! Your lovely girls will have all the time in the world to date when they're older :)

    Saskia x

  15. Oh that is too cute. I once got a little love note that was very cryptic and said something about the world changing as his face changed. I never figured out who that was from...

  16. heeeheee! Love the note! Glad I've passed the 11 yo and now doing (my youngest) 18! Maybe send it back with 'have your mother call me' written on it??? Poor Mike's friend, he took a big step didn't he?
