Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Okay, Enough About These Kids Of Mine, Today Is All About Me!

And in the infinitely wise words of London Tipton from the Disney Channel; "Yeah Me!"

I am so honored to be the featured Blogger today for The Secret Is In The Sauce. It's a Blog group that showers Love (and Comments!) on each other. And today it's Me! I have found so many great Blogs I read through them. And have made some great friends out in the Blogosphere. Thank you all so much for visiting my Blog today.

Let me introduce myself: My name is Star* (and yes, that is my real name.) I was named Star because I was born on Christmas Day. I am a Wife of a Wonderful man who is a Pastor and musician, and a Mom of Four great Kids. Two Teenage sons, ages 18 & 17. One is graduating this year and one next year. And I have 11 year old twin daughters, who are in the Fifth grade.

The title of my Blog is Laughing Through Parenting. I love to Laugh and do it often, ESPECIALLY AT MYSELF! And since no kids come with instruction manuals, and each one is unique, we learn as we go, and do the best we can.

Please feel free to look around. My VIP's (very important post's) are listed on the sidebar. They are some of my favorite, and most read posts. I just try to share from my heart. And my goal for this blog is that it would be a place where we moms could get ideas and encouragement from each other.


  1. WOW! SITS and BATW! You're a popular girl! Enjoy your day(s) in the sun!

  2. Congrats on being the Featured Blog!

  3. Hi there!! Coming over from SITS!

    You have a beautiful family!

    God bless you!

  4. Congratulations on your big day! (SITS) Enjoy your day in the spotlight! You have a beautiful family!

  5. happy feature day over at sits! you have quite a beautiful family!

  6. Big congrats on your SITS day!!

    The pic of you and the family is beautiful!

    gonna poke around your blog now :)

  7. Also come over from SITS. Congratulations. Well done.

  8. Congratulations on you Feature Days. Love the family picture!!

  9. Congrats! Your blog is wonderful!

  10. Over from SITS.
    Your blog looks interesting and I'll be back!

  11. Love your name - so unique and meaningful!

    Enjoy your BATW day - I'm going to have a look around in your blog now.

  12. Congrats on being the Featured Blog!

  13. Congrats on being the featured blogger! The winter formal invitation was so creative and they looked cute.

  14. Visiting from SITS, congrats on being the featured blogger!

  15. i love that pic of your family!! congrats on bein' saucy!!

  16. Congrats on being featured. What a beautiful family!

  17. Enjoy your day! Can't wait to read more!

  18. Congrats on your SITS day Star! I love your header and the tattoo is gorgeous.

  19. Congrats on your big day. It seems I could learn a lot from you.

  20. I can tell we're going to be great friends.... I think we're running on the same parenting wave lengths...can't wait to read more! ♥

  21. Visiting from SITS ~ congrats on your feature !

  22. What a great outlook on life. You family pic is just lovely. Congrats on being Featured at SITS. I followed their link to you.

  23. Congrats on your SITS fame. Glad to find ur blog

  24. Happy SITS Day! Congrats on being Saucy! ;)

    Love that pic of you and your family...and am enjoying your blog very much! :)

  25. Stopping by from SITS! Congrats on being the blogger for the day!

  26. Congratulations on being Featured Blogger! Great blog!

  27. Congrats, SITSta. Great blog. I'm a mom to 4 too - all boys. Great family picture.

  28. Congratulations on being SITS feauture blog. Enjoy your day I am going to spend some time looking at your blog, as I love finding new ones.

  29. congrats on your feature day!

  30. What a wonderful blog!!!! I am so happy for you and loved your writing style. Check out my blog at


  31. Hurray for being the featured blog on SITS! As a pastor's wife too I'm looking forward to looking around! :) Congrats!

  32. Wow! Congrats on your big day!!

    Actually mine was yesterday and let me tell you... gosh it was just AWESOME to see so many people cheering for you..


  33. I'm over from SITS and I love your blog!

  34. Congrats on being featured. I love your pictures of AZ. They are beautiful. Have a great day!

  35. Congratulations on your SITS feature day! Very nice family picture.

    Can't wait to "explore" your site - already you tweaked my interest with the post about NO Arizona, so onward (or backwards) in your posts I go.

  36. Happy SITS day! Great family picture in this post!

  37. Happy SITS day! Love your blog!

    I was just looking at the photos of Arizona....we were there last May and got to visit the Grand Canyon and Sedona (along with Phoenix)...boy...Arizona is gorgeous!

  38. Hey, happy SITS day! I am really loving your blog, and would love to add it to my favorites list on my blog. When I read your post about kids dealing with death, it moved me to tears. I recently lost my grandmother, and when she was dying, my dad, and his brother and sisters, didn't want their kids coming in. They didn't want them to see their nanny this way. My mother, thinking this is wrong, called me and my brother in (we're adults now anyways) to come say goodbye. I am so happy I got to say goodbye, and to tell my nanny that I love her.

  39. Congrats on your SITS day and I'm off to check around your site.

  40. Congrats on your special day SITStah!

  41. What a beautiful family! You certainly deserve to be featured! Happy Thursday!

  42. What a week for you - SITS and BATW! I am so glad you are getting the spotlight. I enjoyed your post - such insight and what blessings! Enjoy your day(s)!

  43. Yay you for sure! Happy SITS day! Can't wait to snoop around.

  44. Happy SITS day!
    I've actually seen your blog before - so it is super cool that you get a little recognition!
    Enjoy all your comment love!

  45. Happy SITS day, love the name of your blog!

  46. Congratulations on being saucy today. My husband and I took a road trip last Sept. to Arizona and I loved it. It is a beautiful place. I read your tattoo post. I recently posted about the matching tattoos my daughter and I got. Enjoy your SITS day! I'll be back...

  47. Hi, Nice blog. Parenting and laughter go hand in hand. My youngest is in her first year of college! Congradulations on being "Sauced"!

  48. Congratulations on your SITS day!

  49. Hello from SITS....what a great blog!!
    -sandy toe

  50. Congratulations!! Enjoy your day in the sun. Sounds like you do every. I love Arizona!!

  51. How great to be the feature blog on SITS. I have been to your blog several times and find it very fun.

  52. Hi there--over from SITS. Thanks for sharing some sage advice about teens, tattoos and yes, even death.

  53. Congratulations on your featured spot! I enjoyed my visit to your blog today & would have to agree....if there is no laughter in parenting ...the only thing there could be is insanity!!

  54. Found you through my SITS newsletter..what a great blog you have! Keep up the good work!

    Mommy in Pink

  55. Happy SITS Day....
    I am adding your in my bookmarks of favorite blogs.... loving what I have seen so far....

  56. Today was going to be my last day doing this SITS thing, I felt like it was taking too much of my time and I wasn't "connecting" with the blogs but I am so glad I did it for one more day. I really hope to learn from you in raising my motley crew in a Godly way.

  57. What a great day, just for you, congrats on being SITS saucy.

  58. Your blog is awesome. I look forward to lurking around.

  59. Happy SITS Day!!! Teenage boys and twin tween girls, you must go crazy!! Can't wait to read more!

  60. Congrats on your SITS day! I hope you enjoy it.

  61. Saying Hi from SITS! Enjoy your day of being Saucy!!

  62. Happy SITS day, you saucy, saucy lady!:)

  63. Congratulations on your SITs feature! I hope you enjoy your day in the sun:-)

  64. I am always happy to meet another mom who has four kids!!! (and is still standing!)
    Enjoy a day for YOU...cause Lord knows, we don't get many of those,now, do we????

  65. Just found your blog and I am really enjoying it. I am planning for a trip out west [I'm in Atlanta] with my kids in the next couple of years, and Arizona is definitely a place we want to see. I look forward to reading more!

  66. I have twins too. Its nice to see people "make it" past the toddler years with their sanity.

  67. Congrats on your SITS day. Wow, first BATW and then SITS. How cool are you!?

    You have a wonderful family!

    You had visited my daughter's blog last time. Can you visit me next:) When you look at my profile, it is the one with my name. Puleeeze:)

  68. Congratulations on your SITS day!

  69. That is an awesome family picture! The arch you are under is so dramatic.

    Love your name, love that you laugh, love so much!

  70. Dropping by from SITS to say congratulations!

    Have a wonderful day!

  71. Hi from SITS. I love this family picture!

  72. Congrats, you Featured Blogger, you. Have a Great SITs Day!

  73. Happy Feature day! Stopped by from SITS to check things out!

  74. Came over from SITS...congrats on being featured today!! You have a beautiful family!!

    BTW- your pictures of Arizona are breathtaking!!

  75. Hi, Star, I just joined this great SITS and am wandering around, wondering what to
    Congrats on being nice.
    I have 11 yr. old granddaughters in the 5th grade!! Aren't they adorable at this age!!
    hugs, bj

  76. hi star,
    i'm new to SITS (just signed up today) i love finding new blogs. and yours looks like a keeper.

  77. Happy SITS Day!

    Love that family photo!

  78. Congratulations on being the featured blog. I am going to follow you, as I have a son who is 17 and a daughter who is 9 going on 14... ;)

  79. What a beautiful family you have and congrats for being the SITs girl for the day!

  80. Happy SITS Day! My father is a I love to read blogs of people with that in common. So interesting.

  81. Great blog... and I love the layout you chose... same as me!

    Have a great day!

  82. Nice to "meet" you, Star! I have a 5th grader too (and a 1st grader) so I know London Tipton too. "yay me" is right! Congrats

  83. Congratulations on bein' featured today on sits. I've been checkin' out your blog and it's great. Love all your pictures. Have a great day.

  84. Visiting from SITS & BATW ~ big congrats on your features!

  85. LOVE.YOUR. BLOG. Subscribed today - glad I found you through SITS!

  86. Congrats on your SITS feature! Back to back BATW and SITS features? Wow!!!

  87. Congratulations for being the Featured Blogger today Star! I've got friends who are wishing they're back in Arizona right now.

    Zen Ventures
    Golden Flower Creations

  88. So excited for you on your day!!! I'll have to come back by and read more... my family is in ministry as well. Gotta run for now, just wanted to say congrats! See you soon!!


  89. Oh my goodness, I think you must live in my neck of the desert! I just saw a photo of my friend Pam's family in this same spot for a picture. No was your daughters are in 5th grade they look much older. Yikes I have a daughter in 5th grade too. Love what I've read so far. Thanks for sharing. SITS visit...

  90. congrats on being featured, SITSta!

  91. Congrats on your SITS day! I enjoy your blog.

  92. Congrats! As the mother of a baby, its fun too read about someone a few steps ahead.

  93. Happy SITS day! What a great blog you have!

  94. stopped by yesterday from batw and today from sits. you are very popular :)

  95. COngrats on being featured! Hope you have a great night!

  96. Visiting from SITS. I *love* your family pic! I'll have to remember how it looked so I can do it myself. :)

  97. What a beautiful family you have! Congrats on your blog being featured today! =]

  98. Happy SITS Day! Congrats on being the feature blog today. Can't wait to poke around and check things out.

  99. Loving this blog. Over from SITS. Off to read some more.

  100. Congrats on being the FB! I look forward to reading your posts!

  101. I LOVE the family picture! Congrats on being the SITS blog of the day!

  102. What a lovely family! Hope you have enjoyed your SITS day.

  103. Hi Star! Love the name! WTG on being featured today! You have a wonderful family!!!!!!!!!

    Happy SITS DAY!

  104. Congrats on your SITS day!

    Hey! My verification word is 'press'!

  105. Congrats on your SITS day! Can't wait to read more.

  106. Hi from SITS! What a great family picture

  107. sry i'm so late!! hope you had a great day as SITS FB!!! congrats!! you are one groovy SITSta!!!

  108. That is a GREAT family picture!! Congrats on your SITS day!

  109. Tuning in very VERY belatedly to say "Happy SITS Day!" (And hi from Australia!) I hope it was a really fun day for you. :)

  110. Yes. Today is about you. Nice blog.

  111. lovely blog. I will be back. I love that photo of your fam... and the arizona post.... :)

  112. I hope you loved basking the glow of all these wonderful comments!

    You have a fabulous blog!

    See you in roll call!


  113. Congrats on your SITSday!!!
    Looking forward to getting to know you better :)

  114. WHOA! Two days in a row! You're, like, so hot! LOL

    It is SO not "yeah me!" it's "yey me!" I would know, I say it all the time! LOL

    p.s. Yes I watch The Suite Life...LOL

    p.p.s. Remember...YEY me... :)

  115. Sherrlyn of says...I arrive via the Muse and come to wish warmth to you and God's blessings.Happy SITS!!!!!

  116. Oh Star...BTW...I'm the one that advertised you on The Muse's blog. lol. In a comment, I did. It's a game. You give three links to blogs you read. You were one of them! :)

  117. STAR!! I never knew you were such the popular blogger!! You are an amazing writer! Running across your blog made me so excited! It is awesome, I too love to write and I think you just inspired me to pick up a pen again(or use a keyboard!!!) I can't wait to read more. Love you!! Heather Warner

  118. Hi Star, I'm new to SITS and happy to read your blog today! I look forward to reading your blog more often and getting to know you.

  119. I'm a first time visitor. I enjoyed what I saw on your blog. I love Arizona. My family & I lived in Queen Creek for 6 years and Gilbert for 3 years. We loved our experience there. Now we have moved to Utah and are now closer to our families but we still miss and love Arizona.

  120. Here a day late but wanted to congratulate you on being featured on SITS!! Hope your day was great!

  121. Great title for a blog. I am a parent of three and I have grown just as much as my children have. It is a journey for us all - and we all benefit from each other's presence, wisdom and support.

  122. Oh my...I'm always a day (or 2) late...but I really love your blog..and congrats :-) How fun to have twins. What a fun family.

  123. WHat a wonderful blog....I found something to love in every post I've read. I LOVE that you love life so much!
    I'll check back often~

  124. Love the picture of you guys!! And congrats on the featured blog.. Very exciting!!

  125. Love the picture of you guys!! And congrats on the featured blog.. Very exciting!!

  126. Congratulations as holding the honor of SITS featured blogger. I just joined today, and look forward to reading many of my SITStahs stories.
