Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We're Seeing Red Around Here!

Arizona Cardinals Red that is!

It is a miracle that the Cardinals have made it to the Super Bowl
for the first time EVER!

Growing up with five Brothers, and now having two sons of my own,
I have spent a lot of my life watching sporting events.
And the Super Bowl is one of the biggest sporting event's there is.
It even gets it's own Party!

Being the Big City Girl that I am, I don't really get to experience that small town feeling, that I imagine growing up in a small town (maybe somewhere in Texas) would feel like. Where everyone knows everyone. And the entire town turns out to the local High school football games, cheering their team on to Victory, together. But, this I imagine has to be pretty close.

Every where you go there are people wearing their Cardinal shirts, even decorating their car. Having their baby's pictures taken with Cardinal paraphernalia. Our UPS guy delivers packages to the Church that I need to sign for, and he greets me with a "Go Cards!" The entire community has come together in celebration. And it's fun!

I've experienced this before, when we lived in the Detroit area. It is after all Hockey Town. And the Red Wings not only went to the Stanly Cup, they won it! Several times! Sports can and do bring a community together.

So, come this Sunday (unless your from Pittsburgh, of course) between all the commercials you love to watch, Let's cheer for the Underdogs! The team no one thought could do it. But did. The Arizona Cardinals!

Go Team!
We Believe!


  1. Well, this should be fun because my brother-in-law is a HUGE Steeler fan. So, I can cheer for the Cardinals (because now I know who they are), and it will be a very fun little competition!!!! Lots of love, and have fun with the party!!

  2. Thank you for stopping by on my SITS day last week. I appreciated all the bloggy love! Sorry I'm so long in returning the favor!!!

  3. GO CARDS!!! I've been a Kurt Warner fan for years! So excited he's back in the Super Bowl.

  4. Good for your team :-)

    Thanks for stopping by my SITS featured post today! I love meeting new bloggers!

  5. We're all for the Cardinals around here 'cause they left this area and went to Phoenix a few years back.
    And it is nice livin' in a small town where everyone knows ya BUT they also know a lot of your business. It's hard to do stuff when your a kid, you get caught, every one knows about it and gives you a hard time. So it has it's ups and downs, like everything else.
    Go Cardinals!

  6. GO CARDS!
    We have no professional sports teams in Alabama, so maybe I'll be a band wagon fan :)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog on Monday!

  7. I know nothing about the Super Bowl, but somehow i'm hosting a party Sunday! I do know how to make snacks, so that's all i need, I guess.

  8. I cannot relate to this post...but...in response to your comment on my blog...

    ...I think that wine red would be perfect on you...you know...like a deep, wine red!?

    I always look good in bright cherry red.

    Each woman has her own red. It's just the finding "the one" that's tricky! :)

  9. Seriously though...look for a deep wine red... I know I'm right about this...

    not something dry...but something silky and moisturizing with a little sheen effect...pick it in a truest red wine color...that'll be your perfect match!


  10. i've been a fan since they were in st. louis (and i was in diapers). my parents still have the tricycle with my "st.louis cardinal" license tag on it! :)

  11. It sounds like there is a huge outpouring for the Cards. I do get how cool it is that they're there for the first time. And my husband is right there with you cheering for them (as a Rams fan, he's finally gotten over their move). I'll unfortunately be rooting for the Steelers. Behind the Vikes, they're my favorite team.

    And thank you so much for visiting my blog yesterday during my SITS day. It was so much fun to see all the comments, and so many had such nice things to say. I hope you enjoyed yourself and come back to visit again soon!

  12. Sounds good to me!! I know what you mean.... live about an hour out of Detroit, so that was always big.. during the winning streak.

    Go Cards!


