Monday, February 2, 2009

Groundhog Day

Yes, today is Groundhog Day. Here in Arizona that doesn't mean a whole lot, since we have pretty short winters anyway. And I don't really understand the whole thing anyway . . . if the groundhog sees his shadow it means six more weeks of winter, but it seems to me, that if he sees his shadow, that must mean the sun is shining, so why doesn't that mean spring is closer? But the opposite is true, I don't get it.

But Groundhog Day is also one of my husband's favorite movies. And it is pretty funny. It got me thinking today, there are day's in all our lives that we wish we could live over. Do again, do differently. Am I right? Like yesterday for example, my team lost the Superbowl. And I lost my job! Some day huh?!

Well, The Arizona Cardinals played a really great game! They did great and made us proud! It just didn't happen as it should have. (thanks in part to those refs! But, I digress) I actually enjoyed watching the game MORE than the commercials this year, not to mention making fun of my brothers who were yelling at the T.V. and the aforementioned refs. It was a great game!

And yes, I found out yesterday as well that my job at the Church will only go through February. Due to financial struggles at the church, just like with everyone. They've already cut all the Pastor's pay by 5%, and living on a Pastor's salary, we literally live paycheck to paycheck, there is no savings to fall back on. So we can not make it on just John's salary, at full pay, let alone 5% less, because unfortunately our rent, car insurance, electric bill, etc. isn't cutting their bills by 5%. Though that would be awesome if they did! A girl can dream!

So now I, who besides working two day's a week at the church for the last few years, and my Christmas stint at the Portrait Studio, have basically been a stay-at-home mom for the last 18 and 1/2 years. Now has to venture out into a job search, in one of the worst job markets in our nations history. It is overwhelming! I need your prayers, my little bloggy community.

I know God is control! He has provided for us time and time again. Even this Christmas, without our usual Christmas bonus, if it hadn't been for the Portrait Studio job, our kids wouldn't have had much Christmas at all. But God came through. And it made working 7 days a week for that short time worth it. And I trust He will provide again. He always does. He is truly Amazing. So, thank you so much for your prayers, I will need them.

And now I ask, what day would you want to re-live over again until you got it right?


  1. The crises in the world really really is affecting everybody!

    I am so sorry to hear about how you and your family have been affected by it, too.

    But The Bible promises that in these last days, God will keep us, His chosen ones. Straight ahead! Steady as she goes! :)

    p.s. A beautiful red wine lipstick to mend a bruised heart...whatya say, eh? :)

  2. I'm praying that you find a good job soon - I'm job hunting at the moment too and it's such a slow market here... it's going to take me much longer than I had imagined.

    Saskia x

  3. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that you lost your job. I will definitely pray for you.
