Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My 100th Post!

Yes, it's true. 100 posts, can you believe it?! I am so honored that you've stuck around to read what I've had to say. . . sometimes I have a lot to say about nothing and sometimes I have absolutely nothing to say about a lot of things!

I started this Blog to share with family and friends what is going on in our lives. I never dreamed I would meet new people and make so many new friends through the Blog. It's also a way for me to journal, and keep my thoughts on life, love and raising kids for my kids to read in the future.

I call my Blog "Laughing Through Parenting" because I laugh a lot, and since none of us were given a how to book when we became parents, we just have to make our own way through! The dictionary says; Laugh verb, to make a sound showing something is funny, to express happiness. Parenting noun, adjective The rearing of children, Of or concerned with rearing of children.

Thank you so much for Laughing with me through 100 posts!
And here's to many more!

"If I could say just one thing to parents, it would be simply that a child needs someone who believes in him no matter what he does."
(Alice Keliher)

"Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them."
(Lady Bird Johnson)


  1. I cannot agree more with these two quotes that you have posted here at the bottom. These two quotes epitomize the way I raise my son Gil! :)

    Congratulations on your 100'th post! :)

    You certainly have me as a friend! :)

  2. I roll called under you in SITS today so I wanted to say HI! I have been here before though and I love your blog! Have a great day!

  3. Stopped by from SITS just in time to celebrate you 100th post! Hoe cool is that? Here's to the next 100.
