Saturday, June 6, 2009

One Year/Year One

Seasons Of Love

Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes,
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Moments so dear

Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?

In daylights,
in sunsets,
in midnights
In cups of coffee

In inches,
in miles,
in laughter,
in strife

In five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure a year in the life?

How about love?
How about love?
How about love?
Measure in love
Seasons of love,
Seasons of love

Five hundred twenty-five thousand Six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Journeys to plan

Five hundred twenty-five thousand Six hundred minutes
How do you measure the life
Of a woman or a man?

In truths that she learned

Or in times that he cried

In bridges he burned

Or the way that she died

It's time now to sing out
Tho' the story never ends
Let's celebrate

Remember a year in the life of friends

Remember the love

Remember the love

Seasons of love
Seasons of love

June 6, 2008 I launched my Blog, Laughing Through Parenting! A whole year has gone by! My kids are a year older, I am a year wiser (well, I have been called a wise cracker, or a wise something else, I can't repeat! And I'm certainly not ANY older!) I'm sure I've embarrassed my kids and/or myself a time or two. I hope I've caused you to laugh along with us. And if you've laughed at us a time or two, that's okay too. I've shed a few tears while writing some of the posts that touched me, or moved me, or while sharing things close to my heart. And I want to thank you for crying along with me and letting me know when you were touched too.

I love the song Seasons of Love from the Broadway musical Rent. How do you measure a year in the life of a Blogger? By Laughter? Or tears? By numbers of posts? By comments? Or readers? I don't really know, but I do know that I have loved blogging about this past year. My oldest child's senior year of High School, and now my second child begins his. My girls getting ready to march into adolescence. I've tried to be transparent about all the mixed feelings that parenting brings with it. Thank you so much for being a part of our lives.

We've looked back into the past, and only God knows what lies ahead in the future . . . I guess you'll just have to keep reading to find out!


  1. Hi Sweetie! Stopping over from SITS. congratulations on your 1st year blogaversary! I love your blog. Visit when you can. I post marital secrets and just started my big give-a-way. Blessings for your upcoming year.

  2. Aaaawwwww.... :))

    That was sweet. :)

    I think we measure our success not by how many readers or how many comments, but by how many hearts we've touched and how many times we've taken someone's breath away, or made them smile, laugh, and cry. :)

  3. This is great! Stopping by from SITS!

  4. Congratulations on one year of blogging! Wishing you best wishes for many more. It's nice to read the blogs of those who are in the same life stage I'm in. Keep up the good work!

  5. I once sang that song in school chorus. It really is wonderful isn't it?

    Congrats on your blogaversary!
