Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I was hired at SHADE Clothing at the beginning of March.
And I've got to say: I Love Working! I Love my my job! I Love the Clothes!

My Manager who hired me, Emily, is sadly, moving away. She is staying with the company though! She sent in my resume with a letter of recommendation and yesterday the District Manager called me at work and offered me the Managers position! Yeah! I am so excited! It will mean more hours at higher pay for me, which is such a blessing. God has been so good, I've only been with the company three and a half months. It's so unbelievable.

Emily and I in our matching SHADE shirts at work!
And no, we didn't plan that! :)

I will miss Emily terribly. Not only is she my boss and co-worker, but she is truly my Friend! I'm so happy that I will have her within the company still, so that I can call her with any questions I might have. She will be training me the next couple of weeks before she leaves, so hopefully I can learn all I need to. (That saying comes to mind about old dogs and new tricks! So please, be praying for me!)


  1. What a fabulous opportunity and blessing! God is so good, all the time!

  2. Congratulations! When I heard you were made manager, I thought back to your concern when you had to look for a different job. God had it all in His plan.

  3. Congratulations to the new manager at SHADE clothing! :))

  4. Congratulations!!! And I'll pray.

  5. Star! Congratulations! I am so happy for you.

  6. Congrats again!!
    That is wonderful news!!
    I too am going to miss Emily!!
    But I am really happy for you too!!
