Friday, June 12, 2009

Senior Year - Part 9 (The Parties)

Okay, I know what your thinking: enough already, I know. This should be the last Senior Year Post (until we start Zach's in the fall anyway) But, you can't have a Graduation without a Celebration!

We don't have a large house, so we used the Gym at our Church to host Kyle's party. That way he can invite the whole youth group, all our friends and family. We had a really great time! All the decorations and paper goods I got at our local Dollar Store! The lady behind us in line said to me, "I just got those exact table cloths at Party City for $4.00. Of course I was only paying $1.00, gotta love it!
Kyle and one of his BFF's Andy Slater

With some of the other 09 Graduates from our Church
Top: Brittany Wilbraham, Kyle, Susy Vandendriesch, Justin Middleton
Below: Marci Charpentier, Kyle, Meghan Miller
John and Kyle with the Youth Pastor of all these kids: Sam Frederick

"That's my Boy!"

With Grandpa Forbis

The Proud Parents!

Now, 3 of my Brothers and I all have a child Graduating this year. So, we decided to have one family party together for all of them, instead of all of us having to go to 3 other parties besides hosting our own. Fun, Fun!!

The 4 Cousins all Graduating this year!

My Three Brothers and I with our Graduates:
L. to R. (in order of the age of the siblings, not the students) My Brother Danny and his son D.J., (Danny is not that tall, he's on a curb, D.J., Nathaniel and Marty are all taller than him, he'll be mad at me for pointing that out! But what are little sisters for?!) My brother Marty with Nathaniel, Me with Kyle, Richard (the Baby) with Alarie! One Big Happy Family!

Congratulations to Kyle, and to all the Graduates of 2009!


  1. Aaawww.... look at sweet, sweet grandpa Forbis!!! :)

  2. Superior Snaps! I'm a high school teacher and the mom of 2 recent HS grads, so know exactly what you're going thru. Stopping by from SITS to Share Some Comment Love...

  3. Man that guy on thre right (the baby) sure is good looking!!

  4. Visiting from SITS.

    Wonderful family pics. SO MUCH LOVE!
