Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Divine Secrets I've Learned From The Ya-Ya Sisterhood

I told you earlier what I am reading this summer. I've always wanted to be part of a book club, after all, I love to read and I love to give my opinion! :) So, when I took my girls to our public library to get some books to read this summer (for them of course, you know I can't check out books, here's why) I saw they were having a book club discussion group in July on the book Divine Secrets Of The Ya-Ya Sisterhood.

I had read this book a couple of years ago. Actually, I read all three in the Ya-Ya series. Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (which was made into a movie), Little Altars Everywhere (which was my least favorite of the three, I'm glad I didn't read that one first, or I might not have read the others!) and Ya-Ya's in Bloom, all by Rebecca Wells.

So, since I had read the book, I saw my chance to check out a book club. So, I went. It was really fun. I liked it. And it caused me to think of things about the book that I normally wouldn't have paid attention to. There were about 6 woman all ages, and a librarian who facilitated the discussion. It was very interesting. So, I thought I'd share some "Divine Secrets" I picked up from these book. Really just some of my favorite quotes and thoughts on the books . . .

From Little Altars Everywhere:

"If it's one thing I learnt in this life, it's to bite my tongue when I got to, and yell when I don't."

"But you can't look back. Good Lord didn't mean for us to hate ourself. He make us to love ourself like He do, with wide open arms."

"Just keep your eyes wide open except when you sleep. Then let the Lord's mighty vision see you through the night."

"You think somebody gonna throw us a party or something for gettin through all this? No sir. You didn't get no trophies for livin the life you born into. It just be your job, and you lucky if you can do the work set out in front of you and not fret if it seem puny."

From Ya-Ya's in Bloom:

"Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light."

"They felt a star shining inside them. Those who had feared for the safety of their children and their grandchildren, for the safety of their own souls and bodies, felt perfectly safe, held in the arms of love, divine love that knows no bounds, and human love with all it's flaws. A gathering of fragile creatures knew without a doubt they were a flock being watched over by night."

From Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood:

"Forgiveness is the name of love practiced among people who love poorly. The hard truth is that all of us love poorly. We need to forgive and be forgiven every day, every hour - unceasingly. That is the great work of love among the fellowship of the weak that is the human family."

"But who has time to write memoirs? I'm still living my memoirs."

"Life is short, but it is wide. This too shall pass."

"Humor is the healing art."

"The Ya-Ya's always made themselves up as they went along and always tried to see what they could hold inside and still keep breathing."

In the Book Club discussion group we focused on the scrap book the main character had received from her mothers friends (the Ya-Ya's) and we talked about how wonderful it would be to get glimpses into previous generations. In all our families I'm sure we wonder what life must have been like for our parents and their parents. (I know I do!) And how they grew up and what shaped them into being the people they have become. That is one of the reasons I Blog and Journal.

Sadly, because of the economy and budget cut backs, the public library's are cutting out all their Book Clubs. (And just when I found them. I'm so bummed) I really enjoyed the discussion, and how each of our backgrounds and experiences in life caused us to view things differently, and let others see them through our sharing.


  1. Those were some really meaningful quotes, Star, thank you for sharing!!! :)

  2. Thanks for sharing quotes from the books. I have only read the last one. Just found you through SITS. Going to go read more of your blog. Have a great night!

  3. I haven't read these yet, but I love the quote on forgiveness!

    Thanks for stopping by on Tuesday for my special SITS day.
