Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Blogger and The Cook

You thought I was talking about me and John. Nope.

We saw this movie last night. Julie & Julia.
It was tailored made for us. I love to Blog, and John loves to cook!
We both really enjoyed it.

A wanna be writer and cook, needs a change in her life, so she decides to cook her way through Julia Child's cook book in a years time, and Blog all about it. Her Blog becomes a big hit. It then becomes a book, and now a movie. It's two true life stories told together.

We see similarities in the two woman's lives and relationships. And it got me thinking: who, if anyone, would I want to emulate? Like Julie does Julia. (She even starts wearing pearls while she's cooking!) :)

There are many women I look up to professionally. In writing it would be Erma Bombeck and Louisa M. Alcott. Politically it would be Maria Shriver and Elizabeth Dole! I know I'm a very diverse person! There are also MANY women I know personally that I look up to for many reasons . . . weather it be their integrity, the way they raise their children, the way they love their husbands, their personality, etc. I'm blessed to have these women in my life.

And I think we all ought to be pointing our daughters and future generations to look at women, who emulating, would be worth while. Not who's the prettiest, skinniest, richest or most famous. But, for the things in life that truly matter!

So, my friends, I want to know, Who's your Julia?


  1. Julia Childs? Oh! Whoopieeee! I've never come across somebody else with my same last name, before! I mean, someone that I'm not related to, and especially in a movie! No...never in a movie...

  2. Mine is my mom...She had 3 children and as a single parent she put herself through college all the way up to her double masters in biology while working, with no child support or split custody to help her along the way. She gave us all that we needed and many blessings more. She still found time to be with us and to turn her work phone off on weekends...My mom is my Julia Childs. I wish I were as strong as her.
