Monday, August 17, 2009

Youth Pastors

We have truly been blessed that my boys have had some great Youth Pastors. And I have to say these past several years they have really grown spiritually. Some may argue that it is just their age, but I would have to argue, that since we had been Youth Pastor's for over 10 years, and watching some of my boys friends, I know that this is an age when many young men turn away from God, question their faith, and leave the church. My boys both feel a calling on their lives to go into the ministry. And it is in large part due to Pastor Sam & Dana Frederick.

Unfortunately they are loosing their youth pastor. Not from life, thankfully, but from our Church. It is hard to watch your kids go through hard times. My boys have been through a lot of change, in their lifetime, being in the ministry. They have gone to 5 different elementary schools, in 4 different states, and just as many churches and jobs for their father. But the younger they are the easier they handle these things. Transition is much harder when they are older and have established relationships. It hurts more.

Sam is the funniest guy you will ever meet, and the most inappropriate! And Dana is the sweetest person you could ever meet. But, as silly as he can be, Sams done something right, that has reached my boys and many other students as well. My boys have both been stretched beyond what they could have thought they could do at this age. Sam has encouraged them both, and has had Kyle preach, both in the church and outside of it. And he has had Zach sing and lead worship both inside and outside of the church as well. Neither of my boys probably would have done those things on their own.

We are also loosing another couple who are our Youth Leaders as well. Darrell & Reyes Couch. They have been a huge encouragement and support as well to my boys, and many other students. Zach especially considers Darrell to be one of his very best friends. My boys have read books on ministry they never would have picked up if it weren't for these men. They've met with them weekly, training them up. And I will be forever grateful that these two Godly men have poured into my two boys, to make them who they are today! And I pray that they can continue their relationships with them.

Our church is going through transition. We are also loosing several of our closest friends. It's hard not to feel abandoned at times. My heart is breaking for us, and for our kids as well, who are loosing some of their best friends too. We will of course still be friends, but it just won't be the same not seeing them every week at Church, or not having them there to pour into our kids lives on a regular basis. Sometimes life is hard. As adults we come to know and accept that. But it's harder for kids, and at the same time it's easier for them. They rebound quicker. They somehow manage to still hold on to the joy, and let go of the sadness.

I got to watch my boys step up in their youth group and put together a service and going away party with their friends and fellow students for Pastor Sam & Dana. They thanked them, and shared what they have meant in their lives. I'm so proud of my boys, and the men they are becoming. They are handling this much better than their mother is. We're all helping each other get through this and though it is hard, we will get through it.

"What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you- guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us." (II Tim. 1:13-14)


  1. We have been a part of youth ministry for over 6 years now. There are students that come and go, and then there are those students that make such an impact on you that your life is changed. Both your boys are life changers. Zach has especially made a HUGE impact on my life, both as a student and a friend, and it changed the way I approach youth ministry. We may have left Mesa First, but will always be there for both of them. To steal one of Sams lines from Sunday night - students like Zach and Kyle make youth ministry easy.

    Darrell and Reyes

  2. I remember our youth pastors back in my church-youth days...not very good ones...haha!

    Star, I just added the google followers gadget a day ago, to my sidebar. I'd like to invite you to follow me on google. I mean, I know you already follow me, but now you can follow me on your google dashboard, too. :)


  3. Lovely pictures Stopping in from SISTS

  4. Hmm, sorry things are so hard now. I hate change!
